How to spend a fun day of birth

How to spend a fun day of birth

Children's birthday - a special holiday. The most remarkable period in the life of every man must be based on a positive impression on a foundation of joy and laughter. Modern possibilities allow you to turn every holiday into an unforgettable tale trail from which yet long will warm the soul.

  If you are going to create a real spectacle, then without a script you can not do. Regardless of whether you yourself will entertain younger guests, or hire animators, it is necessary to consider each item. In drawing up the plan, note the following items:

  • invitations;
  • venue of the event;
  • scenery;
  • holiday themes;
  • merry creative competitions;
  • festive menu and table decoration;
  • accessories for guests;
  • cake;
  • birthday greetings;
  • surprise.

Children do not like complicated preparations. If you are making birthday to kidRather than guests, and then give full attention to the birthday. Best of all, if this is the effect of surprise. Often children until adolescence does not delve into the days of the week and the number, but only on the eve of the birthday of constantly asking how many days left. On the eve necessarily inform future heroes of the occasionThat awaits him tomorrow. Uvilnite better on the issue and "put" birthday party for a day, or child  maybe I stay up all night waiting for the favorite holiday.

Festival begins with the invitation, you must give them 5 10 days before the celebration, so that guests can easily plan note time and choose a birthday gift. Invitation better to do it yourself, show imagination and, together with child Prepare leaflets.

Venue plays an important role. Only good, the beautiful and spacious room will cheerful party. There are many children's cafes, sites, shopping centers, where they offer rental halls or organizing the event. A place must be not hot I. not coldWell ventilated, neatly and stylishly decorated. You can prepare the scenery yourself. Order "soar" balls, bright funny figures from balls, place the halls with ribbons and thematic garlands, you can order images of fabulous heroes.

The topics of the holiday should be close to your to kid. If this is a boy and you know that it is attracted by the legendary exciting stories about pirates, means, You need to make a dress code, for example, every guest should come At least with one pirate element, or the animators, let them prepare a script for a pirated topic and will hold a celebration accordingly. We will be very responsible for the choice of good animators, read the reviews, look at their work.

Competitions should not be primitive and boring. Watch examples on the Internet, add your adjustments and rely on the age of children. Winning Varia nT Pr.celebration events are musical pauses, disco-contests and sports contests with a share of humor.

 The menu for children is a special question. Bright dulling design should be combined with utility, naturalness and taste qualities. More fruit merry Canape, several bizarre salads. Children like creative solutions with sausages, colored macaroxes, fries froth and cake. For example, you can take steam chicken cutlets, lay out in the midst of a plate and be around let " rays"From Potato Free. On the cutlets, mark the slices of cucumber, in the middle of the oline, and as a cute, add parsley or celery, so it turns out the "sunshine."

Each guest hand a festive cap, a squeak, a wig, nose or other elements. Cake order in the form of a favorite fabulous character. Modern skillful confectioners are creating real miracles and at the same time bake a fresh cake from natural products. Such an option cost at 4 6 times more expensive cakeBut impressions are irreparable. Pay maximum attention to kid and present at the end holiday welcome gift about  child I dreamed, but I understood what to hope for a miracle in vain. This is the shut-off stage of the happiest and desired holiday.

Create your children a fairy tale, let them believe in miracles. Childhood passes, and memories remain forever.

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