How to celebrate the birthday of a child

How to celebrate the birthday of a child

If multicolored balloons and colorful garlands are visible everywhere, a small table is stitched with all sorts of different sweets, and the kids in elegant suites are worn with an incredible speed and happily laughing - most likely, this is a children's birthday! If you still do not know how to properly organize the name of your Chad, we will tell you everything and show you. After all, such an unusual day should give the baby a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, fun and bright memories!

As a rule, parents prefer to transfer birthday celebration at the weekend, because in this way you can spend the whole day with a baby without prejudice to the work schedule. Most likely, you have already decided on the date, so it remains to be a schedule. All events should certainly have to go according to plan - otherwise you risk you do not have time somewhere, thereby upsetting the birthday girl. For example: 9.00 - cheerful breakfast, 12.00 - hike in the zoo, 16.00 - a festive lunch with friends in a children's cafe, 18.00 - entertainment program with animators.

When the graph is drawn up, you can start it. On the eve of the holiday, while the baby looks magic dreams in his crib, decorate the children's room with bright balloons, multicolored garlands and other decorations. Waking up in the morning, the birthday girl will be delighted, will believe in miracles and will receive a charge of a good mood for the whole day.

Next, prepare a celebration of a delicious breakfast, decorate the dishes of funny faces and figures of animals from your favorite products - on a festive day, the crude will need a lot of strength and energy. Only after making sure that the child was well attempted, you can proceed to the next stage.

It's time to dress the frontal outfits and go to Dolphinarium (Zoo, Circus, Oceanarium, Amusement Park, etc.). Try in advance to carefully find out the child wherever he would like to go. Birthday - the time of the fulfillment of desires, become a magical fairy for one day, but do not forget that the magic tickets are better to order in advance.

When a fascinating program is over, you can go to the children's cafe - a whole crowd of guests has already been beneficled in the festive caps. Tough the first hunger with delicious and healthy children's dishes, the kids will certainly want to think. Make a menu, order a cake and book a table better in advance, because no one guarantees the availability of free places in your favorite cafe in such an important day.

The full and satisfied children will instantly require a spectacle. It's time for the speech of animators, all sorts of contests and presenting gifts. Oh, that might be better viewing so desirable and long-awaited presents! Closer to 20.00, when the babies play in volatile - it's time to say goodbye to guests, handing out the children their parents and go home. Whatever fun and incendiary is a holiday, children must rest in time.

Having done everything in a similar way, paying enough attention to the trifles and nuances, ordering and buying everything you need for the children's holiday in advance, you give your favorite baby the most magical, fabulous and bright birthday!

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Varya 05/05/2019 at 1:06.

The cafe is more expensive than in the loft, so if you want to save the budget, then consider this option. Studio Sunny Art For example, which in our area is very good, many celebrate holidays and parties. The first time was there last year, and this year was already invited for two children's birthday. Loft is quite spacious, with its kitchen and dishes. Animators, master classes diverse. Look at the site, they have a lot of information there.

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