How to arrange a birthday

How to arrange a birthday

For a whole year, we are in anticipation of the sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, laughter and gifts are waiting for the most significant for a man celebration - a birthday. On this day we accept compliments, congratulations and good wishes, going to celebrate with relatives and friends. And, of course, we want this event to remember everyone, and for this you should try and think over all the nuances of the holding in advance. By the way, if you begin to overcome sadness about the past year and Handra, remember that in some tribes of North Africa, this joyful day is celebrated only in a whole life - fifty-two years old, and in Japan, they do not think at all for the holiday. Sad, really? Then rejoice in the fact that our traditions are different and proceed to the organization of an unforgettable personal holiday.

Think up the idea of \u200b\u200ba celebration, determine the form of holding, try developing a script. To make the celebration without incident, think over everything to the smallest detail. If you are too loaded or tired, you can make a bet on improvisation. Start by defining the date and time. If this day falls on weekdays, it is advisable to postpone the celebration on Friday or weekend, or be prepared for the fact that it will not be able to have fun, since no one has canceled work. The time of holding depends on how exactly and where you plan to celebrate. Typically, the reference is the mark at five o'clock in the evening. Purchase or personally make original invitations that you can handle both personally and send by mail. Such an approach in our time itself is already unusual. And do not forget such an invitation to present even to those friends who will help you in the organization, they will be nice.


If you do not have time and desire for holding a rapid celebration, you can limit the order of the table in one of the institutions of your city. It can be a restaurant, pizzeria, a cafe or a nightclub. In any case, this should be done in advance, because when spontaneous visits to free places may not be, and the mood will be spoiled. Also take care of the preliminary order of dishes and drinks. It was quite popular to conduct such events in bowling, but the tracks will also book a couple of days, especially if there are a lot of friends. In men's companies, it becomes common to organize birthdays in the sauna, in which, in addition to the traditional pool, there are billiards, karaoke, tennis and a festive table is organized, but this option implies a constraint of alcohol. No less preferred and the holiday behind the game of paintball, just do not forget in this case, hire an instructor for a brief excursion to the rules of the game for inexperienced guests.


If you firmly decided to arrange a party in honor of your birthday at home, select the idea for her. The following parties are the most popular:
• pajama
• beach,
• African,
• fabulous,
• Hollywood,
• Beer,
• Japanese,
• Horror.
Depending on the selected themes, select the appropriate accessories, decorations for the room, props and suits. Do not forget to inform about the upcoming dress code of guests. The festive menu can also be dictated by the general theme. For example, for the evening in Japanese style, preference should be given sushi and rolls, and for Hollywood is more suitable for the appeal in the form of a buffet. Correct is only a cake. You should also decide what you are willing to sacrifice: time to prepare treatments or cash to their order from a cafe or restaurant.


You also need to prepare musical accompaniment for the whole evening - tracks for dancing and background so as not to spend time at the height of fun, pick up some entertaining contests for those present. And what is the birthday without capturing what is happening? Take care of the presence of a camera or camcorder. You will find a person who will answer for it. If the scheduled time for the celebration, as well as the treats, will approach the logical conclusion, and the guests will want to continue the holiday, you can continue to walk in a nightclub. If possible, take care of the separation of invited home after the end of the fun.


Well, the most optimal option in order to mark this triumph with a scope, to rent a house within the city or to go to the vulgar. It is better to do it with overnight stay. There you can give will to your fantasies, and the places will be many times more than in the apartment. Such an idea is suitable for incarnation both in winter and in the summer. Here you can spend a lot of moving games, organize a picnic in the air, to spend the evening with a fire with songs or indoors near the fireplace behind the game. In such a place, even adults will gladly recall such a game as hide and seek or will be found by finding objects. Of course, you need to prepare various incentive souvenirs. The main dish with this version of the celebration as usual becomes a kebab, take care of it too. In addition, here you can safely run salutes and fireworks into the night sky.


No matter how you decide to arrange your holiday, remember that your positive attitude is the main criterion for its successful. Release from ourselves all worries and anxiety, be prepared for a bright and fun day.


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