How to make a house for dolls

How to make a house for dolls

Many girls, and boys too, dream of a doll house. It can live not only dolls, but also animals, fabulous creatures and various fantastic heroes.

Stores offer a huge selection of large and small, simple and rich houses, with several floors, a variety of rooms and furniture. Unfortunately, not all parents have the opportunity to buy such a toy to the child. But that is no reason to be upset. After all, you can make an awesome house with his own hands, and even bring to the process of their child. It is enough to connect the imagination and use improvised materials.

The manufacturing process Dolls

  • To lodge as basic materials suitable plywood, cardboard or chipboard. Still need an old bookshelf or kitchen cabinet. They can serve as an excellent basis for a fabulous lodge residents.

  • When the materials are prepared, you should start by creating a plan diagram of the future construction.

  • Then all the sketches you want to move on plywood, cardboard or chipboard.

  • All drawn elements are cut or saw, and then bonded to each other to a predefined scheme devised.
  • The fastener better secure with glue or special nails so that the seams are hidden as much as possible.

  • The next step - to identify and cut out the windows and balconies. Cracks and unevenness can be corrected with fine sandpaper.

  • When the frame house is ready, you can start coloring and finishing. Exterior walls and ceilings inside the seal can be painted or wallpapered. This creative process is best left to the child. Give him the opportunity to choose a favorite color and do what it tells a fantasy.

  • Decorating the interior of the house - it's quite a serious stage. After all, every room should try to make an original and beautiful. Filling the room can be finished in a toy furniture. If desired, these elements can also be done by hand. Carpets and curtains can be made of a beautiful and smooth tissue residues. Lockers and desks with chairs replace the boxes out of the cosmetics. Blankets and pillows, you can make out the bright fleece or felt. Do not forget the indoor plants, which will create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the house. They can be made of colored paper or material.

When making a flight of imagination is boundless. In house production time of the child will certainly be happy, devoting his evenings to create a small fairy tale favorite dolls and animals. And the participation in this process the whole family, lots of fun, and fun is guaranteed. After all, there is nothing better than to communicate with your child, think together and turn ideas into reality. You will be able to return to childhood, and child will feel a real creator and designer.

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