How to make scarecrow on the carnival do it yourself

How to make scarecrow on the carnival do it yourself

The two indispensable elements of Carnival are hot pancakes and stuffed, which is burned on the fire. You want to accompany the winter in the circle of your friends or relatives, but do not know how to make stuffed? Decide with its magnitude and materials for manufacture.

We do with your own hands the scarecrow on the carnival from old things

Each house has a lot of rubble. Prepare:

  • two wooden sticks. Their dimensions depend on the magnitude of the future stuffed;
  • nails with hammer;
  • wire or rope;
  • old magazines, newspapers;
  • color handkerchief and old clothes;
  • buttons and beads.

Couple with a cross and run by nails. A short stick will be the hands of the stuffed, and the long-body. Sticks impose with paper, twist with wire. From old clothes, make a stuffed torso with your head. Attach them to the wiring sticks. Put on your head with a doll Old stocking and draw a carbon or marker on it face. Tie a handkerchief on the head "Ladies" and decorate buttons and beads. Put the skirt with a jacket or long sundress. You can hang unnecessary beads or chains on the neck.

Making straw scarecrow on the carnival do it yourself

Straw scarecrow - Classic Carnival. The doll burns perfectly and easily burned. A simple process of creating straw stuffed:

  • make out two wooden sticks cross, as indicated in the first version. Tightly tie it up with a rope in places of connection;
  • make the head of the doll. Use for this paper, straw or fabric. You can sew an oval in the form of a head of the matter and fill it with straw. Draw on the head of "beauty" a cheerful face with coal and red lipstick. Put on the old handkerchief on the head;
  • make the torso stuffed. You can let go fantasy to freedom and implement all the ideas. Use to create a body of straw, old rags, paper. You can fill the straw in the old baby or your turtleneck;
  • head with the torso tie to the rope sticks;
  • wear a long dress or sundress on a doll. If there is an old wig - it will become a hairstyle. Tie into sticks of brooms - "Hands" will be released or use cropped brushes to whiten.

An obligatory moment - before burning, healed the stuffed composition of nitrate and water and dry their creation well. Burn the straw doll in the open space and drive around the burning barbell dance.

We make paper scarecrow on the carnival do it yourself

Create a scarecrow to carnival with children from paper and girlfriend. This is the easiest option, everything will take half an hour. Prepare scissors, colored paper or old newspapers, braid or bright tape, pieces of fabric. Production process:

  • cut "noodles" with thin strips from a newspaper or colored paper;
  • move your head, torso, legs and hands stuffed with sliced \u200b\u200bpaper;
  • connect all these parts by threads or rubber bands. Excess "noodles" remove;
  • put the doll in the sundress, make a shock on your head. For clothing, colored paper is suitable or sustain from pieces of fabric.

Make the scarecrow on the carnival do it yourself from a broom

Prepare a regular broom, children's old shirt and tights, wire, syntheps and bright ribbons. Getting to work:

  • score the bottom of the pantyhome - these are the hands of the carnival;
  • tie the stuffed tights with ribbons, forming a fold on elbows and cams;
  • cut the leasting tights and do a small hole. Insert a broom cut into it, take the wire;
  • the upper part of the tights will become a doll. Sing it tightly syntheps and tie the top of the rope;
  • cut into small strips part of the tights knitted on the top of the stuffed ribbon. The doll turned "hairstyle";
  • put on the doll shirt and tie out the belt;
  • draw a face with felt-tip pen, and you are ready for Winter Wires.

In the manufacture of stuffed, do not use tape, it highlights harmful substances during burning. Meet the spring, burn the scarecrow on the fire! But do not do it near the residential buildings and after burning, be sure to remove all the garbage.

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