How to make pompon from threads

How to make pompon from threads

We will make Pompon yourself, because it is very simple. For such a case, it will take 15-20 minutes of free time. And all the necessary items for crafts will be found in every home. Combining different colors of threads, chaotic or in a certain sequence, we can get an unusual and even unique pompon, which will only have you.

Prepare everything for the manufacture of Pompon:

  1. Threads (yarn, moulin, etc.);
  2. Cardboard;
  3. Pencil (pen, felt-tip pen);
  4. Compass;
  5. Scissors (stationery knife).

We will proceed to the manufacture of Pompon:

  • On the cardboard with the help of a circulation outline two identical large circles , The diameter of which should be approximately one and a half times larger than the diameter of the planned pompon.
  • Then inside the large circles resulting in two small diameters 2-4 cm.
  • If the circulation in the house was not found, then you can draw circles with a cup or cup.
  • Scissors cut out our cardboard blanks on the external circle and internal. We get two cardboard rings.
  • For the convenience of further winding on them, it is recommended to make a small wedge cut on one side of each cardboard ring.
  • The two identical cardboard patterns are folded together, comparished Places of wedge-shaped cuts.

The next step is to wind the thread or yarn on the cardboard templates folded together.
We wear uniformly, starting from one edge of a wedge-shaped cutout and gradually moving towards another. We wind threads in several layers until the circle is completely closed. The more dense we wrap the yarn, the more magnificent and more elastic will turn out. If we want to get a multicolor pompon, then threads or yarn use different colors.

We take a wrapped billet and with scissors cutting the loop of threads along the outside edge of the circle, while tight holding the threads in the center so that they do not crumble. Then we skip in advance the long thread (about 15-20 cm) between the cardboard rings (about 15-20 cm) and tightly bind the pompon's threads in the center of the cardboard rings. We remove the cardboard templates and spread the resulting pompon. Scissors cut the long sharp threads to give it a shape of a smooth ball. Pompon is now ready!

There is another way to produce pompon from threads. It is easier and faster, but Pompon will succeed less fluffy and elastic. To do this, only threads and scissors will be needed. Wash the threads on your fingers or some rectangular object. I wrap 3-4 fingers in a circle of yarn. The layers should be enough so that in the end the pompon came out a spherical shape. The resulting motor of the threads gently remove from the fingers. Then pre-cooked thread (15-20 cm) by the node we are taking in middle The resulting meka. On both sides with scissors cut the loop of threads. Loose ends spread around the node, trying to give them the shape of the ball. Sticking long threads cut off with scissors and get ready-made pompon.

Pompona can be made for the cap, scarf, the manufacture of original toys and even festive scenery. Masite pompons and toys of them will be interested in adults and children. Fantasize and create your needlewood pumps!

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