Where is the house 2

Where is the house 2

This year, the popular realistic show "House 2" turned 10 years. All this time, the fans accurately followed the participants most of all wanted to find out where the house 2 is located, because this information first did not specifically spread.

The famous glade, where all important and interesting events occur, as well as the house itself 2 placed quite close to Moscow - in the village of Leshkovo, which is located in the Moscow region - twenty kilometers from Novorizhskoye highway. To be even more accurate, then driving only 300-400 meters from the bridge built at the entrance to the settlement, you can see the house 2, known not only to the participants themselves, but also to the audience looking at the project.

Polyana and House 2 are not the only buildings that shown on the screen, because many of the participants live in the so-called "city apartments". They are already in Moscow, near the metro station "Profsoyuznaya", on Krzhizhanovsky Street, 29, Corps 5. By the way, it is there that every Thursday at 14 o'clock is being casting on participation in the project. In the same house there is a famous cafe at home 2, in which all the noisy parties of the participants are celebrated.

During the long period of its existence, the project no longer keeps the secret of its address, and the entire telecommunicative information has become the property of society. The only mystery that has not yet managed to unravel, the question remains - whether the realistic show will ever end the victory of the couple of participants, or the audience is still waiting ahead of another ten years of viewing.

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