How to become a photographer

How to become a photographer

For what purpose did you decide to become a photographer? Make money on this money, do just beautiful frames of nature or to become a home reporter? In any case, you will have to learn, because even a very good camera is not a guarantee of successful shooting, and the washed frames can upset anyone. So what do you need to do to become a photographer?

If you have not yet purchased the device, then it will have to start with it. Well, if you help make the right choice of familiar photographer. If not, you have to learn everything yourself. Some cameras are designed more for filming landscapes, their optical zoom 42x and more, they certainly do not fit for home shootingFor portraits it is better to take a smaller zoom size. For professional work It is important to choose the right outbreak, battery, memory cards, tripod, additional optics and other components necessary for professional work. Newbie extremely rarely can optimally choose all accompanying accessories, more often he will simply spend a lot of money on the things unnecessary for him.

The desire to work, learn and improve - the basis of the profession of the photographer. Basic skills to set shooting modes is completely insufficient for high-quality photo session. And even more unacceptable the option of work in the "Auto" mode. You have a lot to find out: how to work with a flash, what is a diaphragm, ISO, how to keep white balance and so on. To overcome all the basics, you will have to work for a long time, learning a lot of literature and constantly train. You can also pass special courses. To do this, initially find out the reviews about a specific school, since even the high cost does not guarantee a qualitatively selected teaching staff, able to convey information and reveal serious professional secrets of novice.

Patience and ability to communicate with people, basic knowledge of psychology is extremely necessary in the work of the photographer. After all, in pursuit of a beautiful frame with rare animals, you can sit "in the ambush" under the bush for hours, and to make a beautiful portrait, you must arrange a model to yourself so that she began to trust you, stopped shy and revealed.

You will have to master additionally photography processing programs. For example, photoshop - one of their most common among photographers and photographers. You can learn it with the help of lessons on the Internet, learn the basics in online schools or buy a subscription to courses. But you should not wait for the courses to you all explain everything. Remember: If you want to really know anything perfectly - look for and study yourself.

The photographer is the same artist, only lazy. He is looking for his plots absolutely everywhere, he comes up with compositions and catches moments that last just a few seconds. So and you have to mentally train yourself, look after the frames absolutely everywhere, wherever you are, invent plots and memorize the faces that I would like to capture. Browse ready-made work, chat on professional sites, paying attention to the comments of professionals, read as much as possible. And then your footage will become real masterpieces!

Do not expect from myself too much in the first days after buying a camera. Quite often, after purchasing a good camera, new disappointments comes, because they did not expect that it would be so difficult. If you are not ready to work yet, then on the first time you will be fitted in the "Auto" mode. The only thing is to observe the composition, proportion. And when the desire appears to shoot better, then the knowledge will be easily and just absorbed.

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