How to photograph a mirror camera

How to photograph a mirror camera

Buying a professional or semi-professional mirror camera (the mirror) is not a problem now. For sale equipment for every taste. The acquisition of a mirror is a chance to become a real master of unique photos, it is only necessary to study its numerous possibilities, subtlety settings, learn to apply them. Gradually linking the theory with practice, training, you achieve with the help of the device of the desired heights in the field of photography.

The picture quality depends to a large extent on the illumination of shooting objects. Given this indicator, set the photosensitivity of the camera (ISO). When working at night, in the evening, in a darkened room (in the club, at the concert), raise this figure to 800. At dusk, in cloudy, gloomy weather - enough 400. Bright sunny day, with good lighting - lower the ISO indicator to 200 or even 100 . Note, the higher the ISO indicator, the more "noise" get on the pictures. The high indicator of light sensitivity during bright light will spoil the picture. Reduce the ISO indicator to a minimum (100-200) if you use the flash.

The next important parameter "White Balance" (BB). It is necessary for the camera correctly perceived and displays colors. Note that different lighting changes natural paints. For example, the incandescent lamp may give objects with a shade of yellowness. To reduce the influence of yellow lighting, give paints more naturalness, configure the BB "incandescent lamp". By this you add more blue, which neutralizes yellow. Practice, shooting out on the street in different weather, in a room with different lighting. Change the BB settings, compare the results.

Learn how to use the capabilities of the diaphragm in different conditions. The diaphragm is a hole in the lens that can be closed and opened by controlling light streams. The photo is the lighter than the larger the aperture is open and vice versa. In addition, it still performs an important function - adjusts the depth of field (flu). Closing the diaphragm, you get a clear photo, equally sharp all over the surface. If you open it - focus will be installed in one place, everything outside focus is blurred.

The image of the image also affects the correct exposure. It is from it that it depends clearly with a picture or smeared. What will be a frame - static or dynamic. The stronger than the movement of the object, the shorter excerpts. Frame can be "freeze" very short exposure.

Exposure will not allow to obtain a qualitative result of shooting moving objects if the lighting is weak. For details look worked out, a long exposure is necessary. For such a shooting, it is better to use a tripod, as the camera will capture even short-term movements during excerpt. When shooting dynamic objects on long shutter speed, you can achieve interesting effects. For example, removing the water with a short exposure, you will get brightly drawn splashes, water looks clear, ringing. Pictures of water on long exposure make it soft, silk, smooth, similar to current silver.

Before starting to explore the shooting with a mirror chamber, study its instructions, it is always attached to the device. Each device model has its own characteristics, tricks, subtleties in the setting. Actually make a standing photo - this is an art, which you can find out how to follow the character of your camera.

The easiest way to make the photo using the automatic mode. Do not take care of the diaphragm setting, install photosensitivity, exposure. Make a photo in automatic mode - it's easy to make a shutter click. Everything is simple, accessible, quickly, but truly unique, artistic photos will not work.

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