How to learn how to photograph professionally

How to learn how to photograph professionally

The path of the professional photographer lies in the constant mastering of new skills and the application of the knowledge gained in practice. The result of non-stop development will be shots that can affect something in each person.

You will need a professional camera. Visit photo engineering shops. Surely you will see a huge number of cameras of various brands with different functionality. Prefer the model with a large number of megapixels and optical zoom (the increase will be better). Pay attention to the number of manual settings (white balance must be required). The more settings are provided in the technique, the more professional it is. When you select a suitable model, read the instructions well to master the technical side. For study, make simple amateur pictures.

At the first stage it is very important to master the value of ISO (the photosensitivity of the matrix). Remember that a beautiful landscape will not be fixed at high ISO values \u200b\u200b- noise will occur. With night shooting, professionals recommend photographing from a tripod or stop. If you are photographing an object that is in motion, a bit of ISO, so that the frame does not turn out to be lubricated.

Keep the camera steadily. The perfect position is two hands near the face, elbows are pressed against the body. Lighting should fall on the subject of the shooting. Try to highlight the object in shape, color, etc. The background should be less bright and sharp. Do not remove from one point of review. If something attracted your attention, take some pictures from different angles. If possible, lie on earth or pick up higher - you will get an unusual frame.

Start with the theory. Learn about the basic concepts of photography - composition, shutter speed, aperture, exposure, metering, exposure, proper lighting, processing, etc. You can learn the basics of photography on their own or sign up for special courses. A good resource for free education are,, Examine the biographies and works of famous photographers, such as Alexander Rodchenko, Josef Sudek, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon. Select the most favorite pictures and try to understand what made them unique. Over time, you will find your own style and develop techniques produce good photos.

Going out into the street, take a camera. Shoot all that you seem interesting. But do not click everything - learn to ignore the valuable moments. Houses spend analysis of photos taken. Celebrate what was good and what is not. Attend various lectures and photo exhibitions. Basic knowledge of the theory and a large number of photos taken will allow you to participate in various competitions. Some of them are carried out online. Try to communicate more with experienced photographers.

Get to the special program for processing photos. Natural pictures - it's great, but some material still have to handle. Very bright representative is Photoshop. Less well-known, but very high quality and easy to use program is Corel Paint Shop Pro X6 Trial versions of the software you can download from the official websites - and Also, you can pick up a special program, which is focused on the style of your shooting.

In order not to get lost among the fans, constantly learning something new. Do not worry if at first your pictures will turn out not very successful. Regular exercise will help you to "fill the hand" and to understand all the intricacies of shooting various objects.

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