How to learn to dance tectonics

How to learn to dance tectonics

Like dancing in clubs? I want to stand out among the peers at the party or draw the attention of the opposite sex? In this case, learn how to dance tectonics. Several uncomplicated exercises every day - and you are guaranteed success on any dance floor.

This trendy direction arose quite recently in the French metro. The dance connected the elements of Lokkin, techno, hip-hop and other styles. At first he was the lot of young people, and on the "big stage" appeared only in 2007, at Paris Techno Parade. A distinctive feature of the tectonics, like most club dancing, is impeccable coordination of movements, the ability to listen to your body. So start learning from exercises developing flexibility and coordination. Simple exercises with apples will improve coordination: we take into each hand on a fruit, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, close your eyes and throw apples, trying to catch without going off the place. Instead of fruit, you can use tennis balls .. walking, try to walk along the narrow edge of the border, but entering the transport, do not stick to the handrail.

Here are some basic recommendations before the start of classes:

  1. Prepare a place to occupy. Ideally fit a large room with a mirror in full growth. Items should be located at a considerable distance from the workout site.
  2. Need comfortable clothes and shoes. For a start, there are stacking sneakers and leggings or sports pants in which you are comfortable. Top - top or T-shirt, you can balachon.
  3. Find a video lesson on the Internet or better training course. Try to use videos with professional dancerswhere all movements and ligaments are extremely clearly demonstrated.
  4. Pick up the appropriate musical accompaniment. Ultra-modern melodies are suitable with a clear rhythmic pattern. Dance is the music of the soul. Give the advantage of clockwork, drive tracks.
  5. Located on the floor Sport rug. It will significantly reduce the noise, which is important for your neighbors, and will also allow moving more unfavorable, without fearing to harm yourself.
  6. If you strive to quickly master tectonikRecommended to devote more time classes. It is desirable 2 times a day with intervals at 5 o'clock, or to engage intensively for 2-3 hours as possible.

Tectonics has absorbed many modern dance styles, but this is an independent direction, the essence of it - " dance hands" Learn to feel rhythm and feel musical accents. Summage completely melodies, expressing it with your body. Yours plastic and acrobatic tricks Must be fully combined with nuances of music. Learn to catch the pace, at first, "count" the rhythm in the mind.

Adjust the flexibility will help the slopes of the body, the "bridge" (try to get the floor or at least a table) and yoga. Constantly improve foot power, speed movements. For the development of this, alternate running on the spot (pace at the maximum), with the movements of the hands (sharp blows forward). The duration of classes is 30 seconds, one approach, only 10 approaches for running and 10 on strikes.

For textonik training professional We'll have to go to the school of dance. Coaches will teach the Azam technology and help bring to perfection of movement. But this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve excellent results. Remember: the more intense workout, the better the result. And having natural abilities, you can surpass professionals by adding a little soul into a dance pattern.

Tectonics will make you more confident. This is a great remedy for entertainment and recreation! Dancing, you acquire real benefits. Strong health, a wonderful mood, a wonderful figure is the main advantages.

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