How to make a rude voice

How to make a rude voice

Low voice is perceived by a person more sexy than high. It is proved that the owners of a low voice are more trusted. Such people are easier to lead, they are more listened. The voice make gross and below will help some manipulations.

Smoking and alcohol make the voice more rude. But for such experiments on themselves for the sake of votes, it is unlikely that someone will decide. Side effects from these bad habits are greater than good.

Surgical intervention. A surgeon will be forever to reduce the voice of the voice with a scalpel, working with a gentle cartilage. After surgery, the voice will change forever.

The harmless method of lowering the voice of the voice is to use inside special means. Using the mint decoction, it is necessary to guess between the sips sound "AA".

The singing of the sound "AAA" for 10 minutes. Starting to sing at 1 day are necessary by the usual voice, gradually lowering the tonality for 1 every day. The main condition is to sing exactly and long, holding the initial tonality.

Vocals Girl 1.

Tilt the head down, as close as possible the chin to the chest. In this position, say the sound "LJ". The fact is that with such a slope of the head, voice ligaments are more tightened. Try to buzz, raising your head, and find that the sound tonality has become higher. The purpose of this exercise is to learn to relax a bundle when tilted down the head.

The singing of vowels during the day is also able to train the voice apparatus. Each sound is first drinking for 10-15 seconds in a regular voice. The second time to sing on the floor of the tone below, the third is on the tone. The total duration of the exercise is 20 minutes. To train the voice apparatus must be gradually, regularly, not overwhelming ligaments. A gradual increase in load is the key to the successful training of the voice apparatus. This will allow you to easily manage your voice.

Sign up for classes to a professional voice specialist who will protect it improper exercise and self-study. The coach is faster and more efficient to make a rude voice. The lessons of the Gundy singing will help increase the voice range.

So, learn how to lower the voice is real. True, it is necessary to have a desire and time to do this. Low velvet voice sounds sexy, if we say even slowly. How to learn to sing in a low voice, you can see looking at the roller.

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