How to make fish trap

How to make fish trap

Fishing devices made for professionals or lovers are very expensive. Make a fish trap using branded materials, simple enough. For this there are several ways, consider them.

The simplest way will be the manufacture of a trap from plastic bottles. To do this, from 1.5-2 liter bottles you need to cut off the part with the neck, turn it over and insert into the remaining glass. Put inside the design of a pair of bread pieces to attract fish. Attach the fishing line and secure the trap in the water. The neck in the bottle is very narrow and caught, therefore, it will get small fish, but quite suitable for the oars. For the extraction of larger, you can use the interconnected 5-liter bottles.

Glow the basket for fish from the rods, following the example of Fishermen Latin America. For this, of course, certain skills will be required, but there is nothing difficult here, the main thing is to find the desired material. Perfect for this will suit the IV branches. Moreover, it is usually growing in abundance near water bodies. Disorders the desired amount of flexible yves rods are the same in length and begin to weave. Crerate first at the base of pieces of 10 branches using a dense rope. Gradually, you need to climb new rods, do not make too tight weaving, because the fish should pass between the rods. Every 20-30 cm make horizontal inserts for the strength of the structure. When installing the trap, do not forget about the bait.

Make a drawer trap. To do this, you need any durable grid, including metal and material for the box frame. The frame may be wooden, plastic or any other. For the frame, you can use trimming of polypropylene pipes and wire to connect them. Make a box for a box, cover it from all sides with a grid, securely secure it with a thread, a construction staple or wire. Roll from the grid a couple of funnels to enter fish. Rush in the box a mesh from two sides exactly under the diameter of a wide end of the funnel. Insert the funnels from the grid by a narrow end inside and carefully fasten. Put the bait inside the trap and you can install it in the water.

With the help of such impaired devices, you can catch fish, enjoy the rest at the reservoir or even survive in the conditions of an extreme situation.

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