How to make a form for the cake

How to make a form for the cake

Baking Easter cakes housewives use various forms - metal or modern non-stick coating. But if the farm is not the right shape, or you do not have time time to buy it - do not worry. We'll show you how to make easy for the cake mold out of everyday items. Many people enjoy home-made forms and do not buy manufactured goods and pastries out delicious and beautiful.

Make a cake form of foil

This method of manufacture of molds for cakes quick and easy. In the oven, they are not torn and adequately withstand all tests. After use do not dispose of them - form can be used for the next year.

You will need:

  • baking the roll of paper and the same amount of food foil;
  • foundation for future molds. Take a jar, cup or glass;
  • scissors;
  • stapler and staples.

After preparing all the necessary items get to work:

  • roll out the foil and measure the required amount. Take the foil so that it was enough to wrap the glass or other basis for future products. To leave a seam of 4-5 centimeters. Measure out two identical pieces of foil and fold it in half;
  • insert baking paper between the layers of foil. This is necessary for the strength of the product;
  • fold the top edge of the future molds. Measure the desired height and cut off all the excess with scissors;
  • neatly and tightly wrap the glass or jar with foil. Twist the ends to the stop. You will have a seam, good press it to the bank or glass;
  • shape the bottom of the molds. To do this, wrap the foil and a glass of good press. In finished form will be glass, remove it. The bottom should be flat on the plane, or your product will be bad;
  • seams molds attach clips or staples. Sides and bottom of a product cover with baking paper.

Expanding into the prepared molds and start baking delicious cakes.

picture 2

Cake form from tin can

You can take banks of various sizes and from different products - green peas, pineapples, coffee and the like.

Your actions are as follows:

  • gently cut the top of the banks and bend it the edges with the help of pliers. For a woman, such a difficult job, because the force will need. Find assistants;
  • gear the mold in the oven. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and warm up empty jars for about an hour;
  • cut from parchment paper mugs for the bottom of the form and rectangular strips for wrapping its walls. Paper oil can not be lubricated.

If you want to get coulich higher than the prepared molding - cut the parchment a little more in size than the form itself.

Picture 3.

Paper cakes forms

Prepare a special bakery paper. If it is not - clean, dense and pre-wool paper suitable. Oil lubrication is necessary in order to easily get ready-made cake from the form. Start making molds:

  • find dishes suitable for your scene;
  • wrap carefully around the dishes paper;
  • cut a piece of paper for shape. Cut with stocks to freely connect the edge stapler;
  • cut the piece of paper for the shape of the shape. Also leave stocks. Attach the bottom of the stapler and the form is ready.

For greater strength, homemade paper shapes make out of several paper layers, and all layers are combined with a stapler.

Picture 4.

Take advantage of our recommendations, and you make your own hands a great form for baking ruddy and lush cakes. It is very simple and will not need large financial estate. The most important thing is a good mood and your fantasy.

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