What to cook for Easter on the table

What to cook for Easter on the table

Easter is one of the brightest Christian holidays. On this day, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ recalls. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ was devoted and crucified on the cross, after which she was resurrected after three days. On this day, not only worship, but also the celebration at the table. On the table collected in honor of Easter, you can find a very large variety of dishes. As a rule, each hostess puts traditional festive dishes. What can be prepared for Easter?

What to cook for Easter - painted eggs

This is one of the main Easter dishes that should be present on each table. As a rule, they are painted with dyes and onion husks. So they are very festive and will decorate any desk. How to cook eggs on the Easter table.


  • Chicken eggs 10 pcs.
  • Long husk (as much as possible).
  • Water.


  • Put the husk in a saucepan with cold water. Put on the fire, wait for a full boiling water and keep it on fire for another 30 minutes.
  • Cool decoction and strain it to remove the remains of the husks.
  • In the cooled decoction, put the eggs and put a saucepan on fire. Bring water to boil and cook eggs for another 10 minutes.
  • Get the eggs from the brave and let them cool.


What to cook for Easter - Easter cake

It is also the main dish of the festive table, his symbol. There are many recipes for cooking. It also add dried fruits, various spices and additives. We give one of the most common recipes for festive slices.


  • Wheat flour 700-800 gr.
  • Eggs 6 pcs.
  • 0.5 liters of milk.
  • Sugar 350 gr.
  • Caster sugar 100g.
  • Dry yeast 1 tbsp. l ..
  • Raisins 100 gr. (Can take other dried fruits)
  • Vanilla 1 pinch.
  • Butter 200 c.
  • Lemon 1 pc.


  • Add yeast to warm milk and mix everything thoroughly. Smeak flour and divide it into two parts. Put the first part into milk with yeast and mix everything thoroughly. The container in which all the ingredients are located, you need to cover the lid and leave it warm for 30 minutes. During this time, the dough should be doubled.
  • Split eggs and yolks, and melt butter. Yolks need to stir with sugar, add vanillin and melted oil. All the mixture must be added to the test obtained in the previous step.
  • After the yolks are added, you need to gradually add proteins mixed with salt.
  • Add to all the mixture the remaining sifted flour and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting dough should not stick to hand. We put the dough in a warm place for an hour.
  • Soak raisins in warm water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins. Add it to the resulting test, mix and re-put it in a warm place for 10 minutes.
  • Lubricate the shape of baking with vegetable oil and put the dough into it. It should take no more than half of the total volume.
  • Put the embedding shape into the oven to 180 degrees for about one hour.
  • The resulting cake can be decorated with icing, fruit or other additives.


What to cook for Easter - Curd Easter

At the heart of this dish always lies cottage cheese. However, various dried fruits, honey, nuts and many other additives can act as a supplement. All of them successfully complement the cottage cheese Easter, which is one of the most important characters of the festive table. Consider one of the most delicious recipes of cottage cheese Easter.


  • Cottage cheese 500 gr.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Creamy oil 100 gr.
  • Raisin 50 gr.
  • Tsukata 50 gr.
  • Nuts 50 gr.
  • Vanillin ¼ ChL


  • Cottage cheese thoroughly scatter through a sieve (you can use a blender).
  • Add sugar and vanillin to cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Clean the butter and add it to cottage cheese with sugar and vaniline. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Raisins, we leave in warm water for 10 minutes, and the nuts are crushing. Cuts cut into small pieces. We add raisins, nuts and candied for cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Take an assistant and put your curd Easter on her. Top cover it with a plate and set the oppression. Put the curd Easter to the fridge.
  • After 8-10 hours, cottage cheese Easter will be ready.

The bright Easter holiday is a great reason for meeting in a circle of loved ones at the festive Easter table. They can even be surprised by traditional recipes, in which every hostess can make their notes. Cooking dishes on the given recipes can be exactly confident that they will ask to taste absolutely everyone.

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