How to cook easter cake

How to cook easter cake

Easter for Christians - a special holiday. To him carefully prepare: bake cakes, paint eggs, cooked cottage cheese Easter. Recipe cake each family its own. We will prepare a festive cake called "Easter."

Cooking sponge cake for Easter

The temperature in the house where the cook cakes holidays should be 22-25 ° C, with no drafts.

  • In large bowl sieved through 2 kg of flour.
  • Making recess in the flour and pour warmed to the warm state of 0.5 l. milk.
  • Dissolved in milk 50 g compressed yeast, add item 7. spoons of sugar, all stir and put in a place where there are no drafts.
  • We give the brew to go, and when there will be a lot of bubbles and the surface begins to crack and descend dough (about 1 hour) - it is ready, already need to knead the dough.

Knead the dough for cakes for Easter

Before kneading the dough, you need to prepare all the products. They must be at room temperature. And the products that need to be heated (milk, margarine), in any case should not be hot, otherwise perish fungi, and yeast will not rise.

  • To brew 3 add scrambled egg yolks and 7, 2 cups sugar, 250-300 g of melted butter or margarine, at half teaspoon salt and turmeric or saffron pinch - vanillin.
  • Turmeric dissolved in 3 tbsp. tablespoon of vodka and add to the mixture.
  • Knead the dough until then, until it starts to lag behind the rest (about 15 minutes).
  • The dough should be thick. If the fluid is not enough to mix all the flour, add a little milk.
  • At the end of the test was added to 200 g raisins, previously washed and dried, is evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  • The dough sprinkled with flour, cover with a towel and put the approach to such a place where there are no drafts. The dough should double in size. Time to raise the dough, about 1 hour.

When the cake batter came

  • Until the dough is suitable, prepare forms for cakes: lubricate them with oil.
  • It approached the dough distributing in forms. The test must be put so much to be filled 1/3 part of the form.
  • We give the test to come to be in short with the form (20-30 minutes).
  • Forms put on the heated oven, large - rear, small - front.
  • We bake with medium heat: small - 20-25 minutes, large - 35-40 minutes. The first 15-20 minutes do not open the oven, follow the other of your households do not run in the kitchen.
  • Baked cakes get out of the oven, when it is a little cool, remove from the forms and lay out on the table for cooling.

Cooking the glaze for easter

  • 2 cooled proteins are whipped by a mixer with a pinch of salt while the proteins will not stop dragging from the plug of the mixer, gradually add 1 cup of sugar powder and continue to beat.
  • Kitchen brushes Macaus in the finished glaze and lubricate the top of the cooled cakes. Immediately sprinkle the cakes with colored sprinkle and give the top to frozen.

Culichi is ready. On Saturday, in the evening, before Easter, we go to shit in the church of the cakes along with the eggs and another snack.

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