How to make a camouflage network

How to make a camouflage network

Hunting is a favorite occupation of many men. Return home with trophy will help patience and excellent disguise so that neither the beast nor the bird noticed you. To do this, the camouflage grid you can do on your own is perfect.

To do this, purchase Tools in the fishing store. Try to choose products not from the fishing line, but from thick threads. To disguise one person, there are enough 4 mounted meters of the network. Now you need to bind the masking details. It may be moss, branches, leaves or ordinary green fabric. The length of the binding element should be about 20 cm. It is not necessary to tie the ribbon in the middle of the base cell. It is necessary that the finished product looks slightly slightly, and the camouflage elements were located in chaotic order.

How to make a camouflage network

Note, the length and thickness of the tapes must correspond to the size of the base cells. The smaller the cells, the shorter there must be camouflage elements. If you make a mesh for hunting for ducks, then you must stick the straw and dried leaves of the root. Do not forget that in this disguise you will need to breathe, so do not overdo it with the filler. The finished product should be well to fold and take a little space.

How to make a camouflage network

In the store you can purchase a shadowing product or military camouflage grid, but the price of such a product is high enough, so try to make it yourself. If you have not found a suitable base, you can weigh it from the heading threads. To give the cloth of strength and avoid dissolving nodules, hide the network with boiling water.

In order to be convenient to work, drag the network in the yard, slightly stretching it. Attract to this interesting area of \u200b\u200bhouseholds, as you have to work for a long time. As a filling, experienced hunters use urine. It can be purchased in a shopping store. This is ordinary brushes for blissing, just unleash the base and dissolve all the threads. Now these stripes are tied up the grid. Keep in mind, one masking urine can be enlightened, so initially impose the foundation by rags or green ribbons. Choose dull colors so that the masking merge with the landscape of the swamp.

How to make a camouflage network

If you are wearing a camouflage network for a gazebo or car, purchase the basis with large cells. Run the old sheet to ribbons 2-4 cm wide and 1 m long. Now according to the technology of seam "Forward needle", a strip through each mesh circle. You can flash the basis of circles or zigzag. Usually in purchased disguise grids, the tape is done by waves or ovals.

As a filler, you can use the usual gauze. Purchase in the pharmacy is not a sterile bandage and swift it, stretching out a few threads. Color the harvesting of gray, green and brown paint. Let dry the camouflage strips and tie them to the base. Try to alternate tassels of different colors. Thus, the color of the grid will be as close as possible to the colors of the forest or swamps.

How to make a camouflage network

With carefully, the camouflage grid will serve you for several years. If you wet the product, be sure to drag it and dry. Only a dry grid can be stored.

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