How to learn to ride a skateboard

How to learn to ride a skateboard

Very soon, spring will knock on the door, and behind it and hot summer. We will have more energy and free time that can be spent with benefit. For example, you can learn to ride a skateboard.

To master the skate, you need to decide on preferences and choose a ride style. There are several types of rollers:

  • Street is the most common style, whose lovers ride everywhere, where there is asphalt or tile, perform tricks, overcome urban obstacles, slide on borders and railing.
  • Longboards - high-speed skating without cutting board from the surface.
  • Park or Parking - skating on specially equipped areas and performing tricks on facilities: ramps, pyramids, as well as obstacles characteristic of Street: borders, stairs, pyril, etc.
  • The vert-ramp and mini-ramp - riding in facilities, in shape resembling a deep ditch, trimmed plywood.

Before becoming a great skateboarder, you need to buy a first skating board. To choose to choose it, pay attention to the characteristics such as the width, rigidity of the wheels and the conquer. An important criterion is the number of veneer layers on the deck, which determines its fortress. The minimum amount is 6, the maximum - 9. The optimal ratio of the price / quality is a seven-layer veneer. The following parameter is the width of the board, which is usually measured in inches - from 7.5 to 8.5 (in the metric system it is 19 and 21.5 cm). Newbies are suitable 20 cm, but over time you can pick up another indicator. It is important that shorter and narrow boards are intended for Street.

All wheels for bords have two characteristics: size and rigidity. The larger size - the higher the speed, but the harder board, and therefore less convenient for the tricks. The choice of hardness is focused on the place of skiing. Soft wheels are suitable for the ramp and various uneven surfaces, and tough are aimed at a very good coating of special parks. It is important to pay attention to the so-called conquer - this is the bentness of the board, that is, the bend of the gear of decks. For beginners, a short and low tail is suitable - a flattest board.

Prepare suitable equipment. It is advisable to choose special shoes, VANS, Airwalk or Etnie firms. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the sole: it should be smooth and durable, without explicit relief. Your clothes should not make movements, it is best to take spacious pants and sweatshoes. Take care of proper protection: helmet, knee pads and elbows. Skateboarding is a traumatic sport, so newcomers should not be neglected by security.

So, you have prepared everything you need. Now select a space for skiing. It is best to find a specialized skate park, but they are far from every city. Therefore, find the platform with a smooth smooth asphalt or concrete coating. Perfectly suitable parking supermarkets, but in such places you need to be extremely neat and not to violate property rights. Learn exactly and not staggering standing on the skate. Do not go to tricks or even skating without this skill. Determine the support leg. Most often it is a leg that is comfortable to fill the ball. Professionals call regular stands (left ahead, right pushes) and stupid (right in front, repel the left). Some use the position of Mongo, in which push makes the leg that stands in front. This is not a very convenient position for the majority, but some use it.

After you learn how to stand on the board, try to push off. Do not commit a lot of short, quick jolts, try to push off stronger and drive some time balancing with two legs. Bend a little knees, but save the vertical position. The leg, which is located in front, should be behind the front screws. Put the second leg as deeper, on the tail of the board. To turn, you need to smoothly move the weight forward or backward, depending on the part, where you want to turn. To slow down, try to remove the push foot from the board and slow down it about the Earth. A more complex method of braking is to press the heel of the support leg on the tail of the skate, forcing it to raise his nose. Use the front leg to control and stop slowly.

To learn how to ride a skateboard well, you need to devote all my free time. This is an extreme sport that can be a real lifestyle.

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