How to take pictures at night

How to take pictures at night

Night photography is not easy, but it can become one of the ways to create art personnel. You can easily shoot at night. You can not only landscapes. Portrait photos, made under the lunar light, look mysteriously, unusual. Even ordinary, familiar things that do not cause any interest in the afternoon, can become fascinating. To achieve a high result, a camera and a tripod are needed.

It is often thinking that high-quality night photos require an ultraight mirror camera with a similar light lens. Another error - the mirror must have ISO from 1600 and higher. In fact, all that is required - manual setting (M) or installation of the priority of the shutter (TV). Enough for shooting 8 seconds exposure. The tripod will ensure the desired stability of the apparatus. The sensitivity of the matrix, the lens threw is not so important during the night session. They are compensated by long exposure.

Photographing at night, install the camera at the tripod. It requires a steady, hard, heavier chamber is about twice. Then the device will not sway "as in the wind". If there is no tripod, then install the chamber on a solid, smooth surface. This position allows you to shoot on long excerpt, without raising ISO so that there is no strong noise, inevitable when it is increased. Disconnect the stabilizer. It runs on an exposure of ¼ sec with a photo from hand.


Go to MANUAL mode. Sometimes it is absent, then the software exposure mode (P) is suitable. Disconnect the built-in flash. It will not cope in night shooting, only one attached subject will light, everything else will remain in the dark. Will not help make a good night photo Autofocus and froze exposure.

Photo photo

Adjust the light sensitivity (ISO) to a minimum value - 50-100. By this dropping the level of "noise", which spoils the picture, especially in dark areas. "Noise" manifests itself in the form of small color points in the photo. The more sensitive matrix, the more defects it will fix it. Lack of illumination compensates long exposure.

If the camera has a RAW mode, then go to it. This is the most optimal option - you can then adjust the colors of the photo without lowering the quality. In the absence of this mode, we work with manual installation of white balance. Most often, it is set depending on the light source: Moon - "cloudy day", the lantern is "halogen". Experimental by choose the best option.

Configure Self-timer - 2 sec. During clicking on the shutter button, you can move the device, and this is undesirable. When the shutter is triggered, it is better not to touch it. The mirrors in this case have the function of the Mirror Lockup - the mirror rises in advance, and the shutter is triggered after a while. This is the protection against "Luba" images due to the vibration of the mechanism. Apparatus put on a tripod.

Now execute manual focus. With a photo session using a soap box, clamp aperture up to 4, the focus distance is 2-2.5 m (short zoom angle). The depth of field will be from 1.5 m. On the model, turn on the autofocus, hover the camera to a light object located at the desired distance. When autofocus "clings to", go to manual focus. Lens do not touch. Secure the tripod head.

Install in "Manual" mode for an exposure of 1-8 seconds. (Depends on the level of illumination). Press the diaphragm to 4-5, 6. Most of the lenses will give a clear shot. Click down. While the shutter is open, try to ensure complete fixedness of the camera.

Do not lengthet too much. "Overacted" photo will not save even Photoshop. Make at least three frames - darker and lighter, then select the best. Photographing at night as an art type is described in the book Lee Frost "Night and Evening Photography".

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