How to set up a flash

How to set up a flash

Flash - an integral component for high-quality pictures. Beginner photographers think that it is necessary only in the dark or in an unlit room. However, it will also be needed when shooting against the sun, with hard light to remove too "deep" colors, etc. How to configure it, modes of work and other subtleties - our article will tell.

Flashs are built-in and removable. The built-in flash on semi-professional cameras can be configured in manual mode, while you can work with it and without it. When operating in mode, for example, auto-keys, the flash turns on automatically, and when manually can be turned on using the button, which is located on the camera itself nearby. On some models, it opens by just fingers, without a button.

Flash operation modes. The key outbreak parameter is power. By changing her values, you do not change the amount of light, it will be as bright, but only change the time of work. With the maximum value, shining will be longer. In some models, the submitted parameter can reach 1/128, but more often can be found 1/64. Select values \u200b\u200bdepending on the distance and illumination of the object, setting the size manually. For example, if the object is obtained too mounted, the power is reduced. At first, it may be difficult to achieve the desired, however, the practice will tell you how to act in one situation or another.

When setting out the outbreak mode, pay attention to the shutter speed (shutter speed), the optimal value of which should be within 1/200-1 / 250. I ignoring this advice, you can get a blurred object. Please note that when shooting on the street, with such parameters, the rear background will be very dark, since the flash power is not enough for good lighting. At the same time, portraits will be magnificent. If the back background for the composition is fundamentally important - use a removable, more powerful flash or additional light sources.

There is a small trick for beginner photographers who cannot immediately explore all the modes of work, as well as the features of the flash control, thanks to the use of which the models in the photos are not prachicated from bright light, objects are not obtained illuminated, etc. They make a simple focus - close the outbreak with a small white sheet of paper (you can also purchase a special light scatter or "white card", which, unfortunately, is not so cheap). Thus, the light dissipates, without focusing strictly in the selected direction. Depending on the desired effect, you can try to independently carry out an experiment by installing a sheet or another remedy with one way:

Since the built-in outbreaks have low power and give normal lighting of the object on average at a distance of not more than 4-5 m, the next step of the professional growth of the photographer becomes the acquisition of additional, non-basic flashes (removable and manual). They are also divided into agreed and inconsistent, that is, with the ability to control directly through the device and without it. The easiest option to adjust this type of flash is to change the direction of its light emission. For example, to get a soft, warm color of the face or items, it is enough to send an outbreak into the ceiling or into the wall depending on which side should be a shadow.

Quickly learn how to customize the flash will not work unequivocally. After all, even famous photographers do not always know all the nuances of working with it under certain conditions. The main thing - do not forget to monitor all the parameters at the same time (shutter speed, diaphragm, ISO, etc.), otherwise the setting of only one parameter will not give the desired result.

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