How to tie a naval node

How to tie a naval node

To imagine the hunter, traveler or even a gardener, which does not use the rope in the process of its activity, is almost impossible. Yes, and in everyday life, the skill of knitting various nodes can be useful. However, most often the ability of a person is limited to a very poor idea of \u200b\u200bknitting methods.

In order to learn how to knit sea nodes, you will need a little bit - rope and patience. The rope should be made of natural material, to be soft enough and not too thick. Carefully consider the proposed scheme and step by step try tying a knot. Do not think that you are tieding several times, you will become a master. Newbies very quickly forget the schemes of weaving new nodes. Therefore, practice constantly, try to bring your actions to automatism. The main thing is to remember the sequence of operations, and not the name of the node, since only a small part has the established names, the rest vary depending on the source.

To date, there are about five hundred different ways to knitting knots. The most common has the name "simple". Before proceeding to knitting, remember that the free end of the rope (the one that you will be tied) is called the move, and the long part is called the native end. To perform a simple knot, twist the loop at the end of the rope and the tight end to it. Tighten. You will get a small nodule that is difficult to eliminate. Despite its simplicity, it almost twice reduces the strength of the rope. If a simple node is raised on the fishing tackle, it should be trimmed and replaced by a fishing line or tie the ends to another suitable node.


In such a way, it is easily associated with two ropes, with the exception of synthetic, since it crawls on such materials. Therefore, instead of a simple node, it is better to use the so-called "eight". Despite a small difference in performance, the eight does not have a devastating effect on the twine and relatively easy to unleash. It is used to limit the rope movement, and is also often used as an element of some more complex nodes.

To connect two ropes in everyday life or in professional activity it is worth choosing a direct node. It is also known as the "reef". This node has good characteristics relative to the strength, and also does not damage the rope. To add a node of reliability, before its execution, make a simple knot on each running end, and better - the eight knot. Unfortunately, a direct node has a number of disadvantages: when water gets into it, it is almost impossible to unleash it, but it has a small reliability on unpretentious ropes. It is easily unleashed, which can be both dignity and disadvantage. To do this, you need to pull for any chapter end towards the indigenous.

To strengthen the reef node, it suffices to increase the number of turns of the cord with its running ends. After such manipulations, a solid node is obtained, called surgical name. The main trick when performing is to follow the direction of each turn. On the proposed scheme: the first point - the Oblits are made counterclockwise (relative to the root end of the rope, which is left). The second point - change the direction, and the shares are performed clockwise. When misleading from this subtlety, as a result of your efforts, there is a non-surgical assembly, but a slightly improved babium, which is much inferior in reliability. Surgical node is recommended to be used on stretched ropes. The reason is very simple: after performing the first point of the scheme, you secure the running ends, which means that all subsequent actions becomes much easier.


Learning to tying elementary sea nodes is very simple, the main thing is to accurately remember the step-by-step scheme of each.

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