How to tie a fishing line

How to tie a fishing line

To link two pieces of fishing line or ropes so that the node is reliable and compact, there are quite a few options. The easiest of them is a simplified modification of the "bloody node".
We analyze in order the stages of knitting this node:

We connect the two fishing racks that need to be associated.

We tie a simple knot on them, familiar with everyone since childhood.

We disassemble the resulting tails so that they are in different hands, and the resulting knot was between hands.

We intersect the tails to get a loop.

In the location of two pieces of the fishing line, we start wrapping one piece around the other.

In the process of wrapping the fishing line around itself, one more loop is obtained, smaller. It is enough to make 5-6 revolutions to obtain a strong node in the end.

Holding the resulting little loop so that it does not bloom, we do an end to her with a simple knot that we were tied at the very beginning.

Holding the simple knot to the teeth or, for example, inserting a finger between him and a small loop, gently tighten the resulting design to the free ends. Also when tightening helps moisten the fishing line for better slip. You must have a node in thickness only two or three times higher than the thickness of the fishing line. After tightening the tilt node with a simple knot, you can cut off the root. It will not affect the fortress of the resulting node, but clinging the rod rings and confused the fishing line when saving can.

All, knot is ready! In addition to the function of binding a two fishing line, it can be used to produce loops, for example, to tie additional leashes to the main fishing line. The classic bloody node in the manufacture is more complicated, and the functionality does not exceed the proposed in this article.

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