How to starch the napkin associated with crochet, starch

How to starch the napkin associated with crochet, starch

Knitted napkins create comfort in the house, especially if they round hooked. With this method of needlework, openwork patterns are obtained that allocate decor among such jewelry. For a more attractive type of napkin, it is necessary to give it hardness. You can achieve such an effect with starching it.

How to starch the napkin with starch - a traditional way

Most often, the hostess is used by the usual starch to give the shape of knitted napkins. It is from this product that the name of the "Starch" process went. To achieve the desired result, it is important to comply with certain rules when using starch.

  • For starching napkins, a solution of powder and water is prepared. Its different concentration will contribute to different stiffness of the product. So, for the light shape of the napkin on 1 liter of water, add 1 tsp. Starch. The average rigidity is reached with a mixture of liquid and 1 tbsp. l. Product. To give the shape of the craft, use more than 2 tbsp. l. Starch on the same amount of water.

Advice. Before handling crafts, it must be wrapped. So you will remove possible pollution on threads that were formed during knitting.

  • In addition to proportions, it is important to make a solution properly. For this, the total volume of fluid is divided into two equal parts. In one container, throw the selected amount of powder. Add it in small portions to avoid the appearance of lumps. He warm the second part of the water, then mix with concentrated solution and bring to a boil.

Advice. Do not pour dry starch in boiling water. So you will get an inhomogeneous mixture with lumps, which will not be able to evenly impregnate the threads.

  • To give the finite of a small gloss, add a pinch of salt to a hot mixture and mix the solution well.
  • Welcome to the bedroom to room temperature and only then lower the napkin into it. Leave it to wet. The exposure time for a knitted product will depend on the thickness of the thread, but not more than 15 minutes. Then squeeze the knitted craft slightly.
  • To give the shape of the product, it strokes it. First decompose the napkin on a flat surface, cover it with gauze. Leave the material to dry a bit. Then iron on the average temperature and join.

Important! After ironing, the pattern will not work, so before using the iron, fasten the edges of the product with pins. Also this action will save him from stretching.

  • Instead of an iron, you can dry the napkin in a natural way. With this option, do not dip the product into the solution, and apply it using a sprayer. But before this fasten the array of pins on a flat surface.

How to starch the napkin starch - a dry way

If you do not work in cooking alert from starch, then use the dry way of starching.

  • Spread the product on a clean sheet of paper and shake it a bit. More uniform it can be done with the help of an aerosol.
  • Remove the product the desired form. The edges will definitely secure needles or clothespins.
  • Sprinkle with starch from above. Lightly pull the thread hands on the product so that the powder penetrates inside.
  • Cover the craft to another sheet of paper and endure it with an iron. The temperature of the instrument should not exceed the average mark.

Important! This method is the easiest, but requires frequent repetition of the procedure.

How to starch the napkin starch - recommendations

  • Most often, potato or corn starch is used to give stiffness. They contain the greatest amount of adhesive substance.
  • To give a napkin of a delicate structure and additionally, only rice starch can whiten.
  • White napkins besides washing needed to whiten before applying starch.
  • Make sure that the iron does not have a high temperature during drying the product. Otherwise, the threads will ship.
  • With a dry way, you can use starch in an aerosol.
  • Finished crafts do not store long in the closet. In this position, they will not only ruin, but also acquire a yellow shade.
  • After the first washing, the effect of stiffness disappears, and you will have to spend the entire procedure again.

To closely starch crochet napkinIt is important to adhere to those specified in the article by advice and recommendations. Only then will you get a bright decor for a room that will make it comfortable.

Another way to process the product without ironing, look at the video:

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