How to play the Mafia

How to play the Mafia

Mafia has become one of the most famous contemporary psychological games. It is well developed logic, memory, intuition, attention, speech, artistic, and so on. D. Rules of the game are quite simple and easy to remember the first time.

You will need a special card. The optimal number of players - from eight to sixteen. If less - is not interesting to play, and more - there confusion and lead will not be able to fully monitor the actions of the participants. The game begins with the fact that it takes a deck of cards, ask participants to close their eyes and reach out, and then deals the cards so that no one saw the role of the other party. Followed by a warning that they may open their eyes and see their roles.

Leading announce nightfall. He asks to sleep (close your eyes) all but the mafia. Participants who got the role of the Mafia, only familiar sights. Leading stores them. Then he announces the coming of the morning. All open their eyes, and the discussion begins. Each participant expresses a point of view, who is the mafia. For example, residents could hear any noises during love mafia.

The task of the citizens - to calculate the mafia. Mafia itself should by all means to achieve the opposite. The first time the vote takes place rather sluggishly, as the game has just begun, and the mafia can be absolutely anyone. But then the game becomes more interesting. That man, who pointed out the majority of civilians (who they think is the mafia), shows his card and in any case out of the game. Residents can go wrong, and could calculate the mafia.

Then the city falls asleep again, and Mafia wakes up and silently choose the victim. Participants agree on the choice of victims by gestures and signs, and the look confirms their consistency. The presenter records who Mafia killed. When she closes his eyes, leading tells to wake up to the doctor. He must guess who could kill criminals. If he guesses - the participant will remain alive and will continue the game, if not, leaves it out.

Then all residents of the city are waking up, and the master informs them that the murder of a particular participant was committed. If the doctor cured the participant (guessed him), the lead says that the crime did not happen. Then the discussion begins again, after which it drops out one participant. It follows the night, then again a day, etc., until the mafia shoots all or civilians will not expose the mafia in time. At the end, civilians or mafia should be defeated.

When you learn to play well, you can diversify the game and add even more interesting characters. In the classic game there is only mafia, doctor and civilians, but you can make almost all participants get roles. You have the opportunity to add a detective, lawyer, killer, sheriff, awolver, judge, immortal, kamikaze, fanatics, sergeant, confused, bodyguard, etc. Their tasks are described in the instructions that are attached to the cards. In order not to get confused finally, enter additional characters gradually.

The beauty of the game is that even if the player drops out, sit and watch the game very exciting. Now he knows who Mafia is and looks like it behaves during discussions (fidespit and indicates others). But he must be silent about it. In many situations, he has to hold back laughter. It is the discussions that are the fun, when everyone puts forward its version. Other players can join his opinion. Thus, small groups with different opinions arise. Charismatic and cheerful lead will be able to make a piquancy to the game and invent funny stories about how they killed or saved. You can create a thematic game, for example, to play in Halloween and replace the mafia vampires and witch.

And finally, one advice is - during the game carefully follow the one who supports and accuses. Most likely, the mafia will support each other, so if one mafiosy is calculated, then with a high probability, calculate the second. But they can apply a lot and specifically distract the attention of residents, voting against each other.

Now you know that playing the mafia is very simple and exciting. At the end of the game, it is always interesting to ask the mafia and cunning towns about what their strategy was. Surely you and your friends get a lot of positive emotions and will be collected for the game in the mafia very often.

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