How to play poker

How to play poker

Poker is the name of a number of card games, the essence of which is reduced to the fact that the players stepwise make rates depending on the strength of their cards and play the received bank, guided by the rules of seniority of card combinations. Unlike other games, in poker can be both common cards that are visible to all players and closed, located on each player. This betors the Poker of Azart and translates into its intellectual games in its category, to win in which it is necessary to use mathematical calculation and various bidding tactics. Let us consider in more detail the basic rules of the most popular species of poker - Texas Hold'em.

The game can participate from 2 to 9 players. A standard deck of 52 cards is used. If you decide to organize a game at home, then before the game is also worth identifying a dealer - a person who distributes cards and does not participate in the draw (dealer's responsibilities can also be transmitted alternately to each player clockwise), as well as the subject for rates (special chips From the kit for poker, coins, matches, etc.) and, at will, to determine its cash equivalent. In addition, the size of the minimum bet is set and, by agreement of the players, you can set the limit to the maximum rate.

The game begins with filling the bank with minimal rates from each player blindly (before the first distribution of cards). Then each player is heard 2 cards face down. These cards are closed and inaccessible to other players. Players watch their cards, and then there is a first round of bidding.

So, every player, clockwise from the one who sits on the left hand from the dealer, gets the right to move. It can be:

  1. Check (check). Power skip. Available only if before that there was no raising rates.
  2. Beth (BET). Bid. The player makes a bet in the conditioned range from the minimum to the maximum, provided that no one has made other bets before it.
  3. Fold (Fold). Reset cards. The player comes out of the current draw without refunding its rates. Renting cards, he does not reveal them.
  4. Call. Level / support rate. If before that the rate was made, the player makes the same amount into the bank and continues to participate in the current draw.
  5. Rice (RAISE). Enhance the current bet. If there was an earlier a bet, the player increases its size and, accordingly, all other players must answer.

Bidding continue until all players support the maximum rate or will not lose cards. Regardless of the draw stage, if all players dropped the cards, the winner will automatically become a player who made the maximum bet, and the draw end.

At the next stage, the dealer passes 3 cards face up. These are common cards used by all players to collect their combination of 5 cards. After that, the next round of bidding on the same rules in which all players with cards are taken on hand.

Next, the dealer gives the fourth common card face up and again takes a round of trading. Thus, each player at this stage has already 6 cards (2 of their own and 4 common) to compile a combination.

At the last stage, the dealer gives the last common map and players spend the last round of bidding, at the end of which everyone opens their cards and the winner is determined. The winner and, accordingly, the owner of the whole accumulated on the draw of the bank is announced by the player who collected the strongest combination of 5 any cards (2 of its and 5 general). Below are combinations descending their strength.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the famous bluff technique in poker. Most often players are bluffing to convince the opponent in the weakness of their positions and provoke them to raise rates or vice versa - to force the opponent to reset the cards under the threat of a loss of an allegedly strong combination. It betrays even greater excitement. By the way, the expression "Poker Face" occurs exactly from this game and means a impermeable and impassive expression of a player's face who does not want to show its current position in the game.

Playing poker is an excellent pastime option with friends. This is an entertaining mixture of excitement, enthusiasm, intellectual confrontation and, of course, good luck!

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