How to distribute cards

How to distribute cards

The course of any card game depends on the correct distribution of cards, regardless of whether you play for money or interest. If you play the company with friends, then the cards will be distributed in turn. How to do everything right if the deck is in your hands - read in this article. We also tell me some nuances for which you can define a simular that has turned out to be distributed.

Stirring a deck, remove all unnecessary from the table. No foreign objects should be at hand to eliminate all suspicions in fraud, traveling or changing cards. It is very important if you play for money in games like poker, preference, or even in a podochka fool. The deck for the same reason is revealed new so that the maps are not labeled in any available way.

Hands of a man with a deck must be on the table, it is impossible to clean their surface. Tastovka does not occur on one card, but with boiling. That is, you separate part of the deck on top of the deck and shift it down. If you see that the cards are tausit on one thing - it points to two points: a person is either a shoeler and wakes up in favor of his game, or in front of you a person who simply does not know how to taste or never played cards.

After the deck is shuffled, you need to remove cards. To do this, put a deck on the table and ask the player who is sitting to the right of you, move the top, you can do it yourself. A part of the deck is mounted next to the bottom, and then it is covered by it. So you change the top half of the cards from the bottom. Then fir the edges of the deck so that the cards lay a single wall.

Why should I put a deck for removing the table? Shulera, spending this manipulation in the palms, make fake shooting in front of everyone. It is impossible to determine the unarmed look that manipulations with the deck left it unchanged.

In any game, the card is handed over one shirt up. At the same time, keep the players so that the players do not see the lower suit. Move clockwise, myself passing the last in a circle if you are a member of the game. In poker, the dealer often does not play, although this rule can be completely broken and combined the player functions and the distributor, especially if you play in a close company.

The number of cards that you distribute to each player will differ depending on the type of game. In poker there are three directions, each of which is designed for a deck of 54 cards: Texas Hold'em, where 2 cards give up, Omaha for 4 cards and dar-poker, where each player receives 5 cards at the first hand. Of course, it is better for you if the rules of the game you will know by heart, so as not to be in an awkward situation.

In the preference, the game is conducted by a deck of 32 cards (six people are thrown out). Distribution produce 2 cards at once, making five more circles so that each player has 10 cards. The rest of the cards are put separately in the bunch.

When playing in a fool of pododynnial use a deck of 36 cards. In this case, you must put on one map before each player, making 6 circles. After the maps are distributed, but not opened, get out of the deck (you can from below, from above or from the middle) one card to determine the trump card. Then put it on the table with a shirt down, and across the trump card. Put a deck face down. The game begins with a player who has the least dignity trump card.

Separately, it should be said about the resolution of situations when "dropping" cards. If during a tastovka dealer / presenter for some reason dropped one of the cards or showed the lower in the deck, then stirring should be continued. Any of the players in the right to ask a deck for shuffling before "eat" will occur. If the map fell out of the hands during the distribution, while everyone saw the name and suit, then collect all the cards and mix the deck again. In general, the consent of all players can simply replace this card by placing it in the middle of the deck.

After the game has begun, you cannot replace cards or shuffling decks. Of course, if it is not established by the rules of the game, there are hundreds of people. We pointed the attention only on the three most popular gambling games: poker, preference and pododynka fool.

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