What caught pike

What caught pike

This predator is quite common fish, and it can be literally routine. Despite this, they boast a real trophy, it is possible not to every fisherman, there is no vain so much epic, fairy tales and proverbs about this cunning and cautious fish. The guarantee of successful catch will be the study of its habits, habitats and preferences. It should be taken into account and the temperature of the water, the depth of its location, the time of year, atmospheric pressure, wind power and other factors.

The methods of catching this predator are many, when choosing one of them, focus, first of all, for the season, and then take into account the remaining criteria. The most successful sick, Klev comes from a week after spawning (May) and the Molden. In the summer season, preference give fishing spinning, circles, track, resort to and to cool the float, do it better in the evening and in the morning (in early June and at night). Use one-room spinning with a good coil and quickly running. The end of him to try to immerse into the water, especially if you catch on a fly. You can resort to jig - twisters, vibrohvostam. Try to catch a popper, a wobbler, the color gamma of which depends on the weather.

When choosing fishing on the gloss, keep in mind that if cloudy variable, it is better to take a two-color, with a sun - white, and on cloudy days yellow. Preferably the turntable. At these months she hides at a depth, because they resort to fishing on a duck-standing bait. When trolling with deep snap, use not Paravan, and a downrigger, at a depth of ten meters certainly. When you have a digestion, try to lure less on a dead fish, and when choosing a disadvantage, preference give sand, karasik, perch, junk, roach, can take on watermelon, worm, frog, mouse, chicken and boiled liver. Sheer glittering at this time is not the best way to hunt this predator. The ultralite spinning is increasingly gaining more popular.


Leske Take 0.4 - 0.8, and the hooks are suitable from the tenth to the sixteenth number, and the floats are chosen a cigar type. When fishing in a quiet water, the hook is cling in front of the flaw spine, and in the running place - place on the bottom or the upper jaw. When catching in calm water, the hook should be placed immediately in front of the spinal fin. A fixed float will help on the shallow water (use a lock knot), and with a small depth it is better sliding. Avoid directly covering this fish. By the way, so that the long-awaited catch does not miss, try trying only from my head. In the spring, it is recommended to experience good luck with almost all means, including on the ring, as well as mugs, but only in a shallow reservoir, closer to the shore, in the thickets. Lower your belly in this case. Unsuccessful time for this season is considered midnight and noon.


In winter, catch in length in length no more than twenty centimeters, preferably in coastal sites. Please note that the leash is better to use the metallic. Be careful and let the lives so as not to get confused in the grass or reeds. It is recommended to put them all night, as a rule, in a checker order. It is extremely justified at this time to catch the balance sheet. They should take several, different sizes and colors. Lerke take the monophilic in a quarter of a millimeter. Verlotuzhok not necessarily not necessarily that it is useful - this is a carabiner. Balancer need to take at least seven centimeters, better under perch or roach. In addition to these methods, you can catch your trophy pike with a network, jerking, shells, launchers, siece and cape.


Remember that only from your persistence and diversity of applied methods of fishing depends on the onset of the hour when you can boast a trophy pike.

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