How to make a monster khi doll

How to make a monster khi doll

Monster High dolls are gaining popularity with a rapid pace. Many children dream of such a toy, but not all parents have the opportunity to buy it. This is not a problem - a doll from the Monster High series can be made at home.

The easiest way to make a doll is the reincarnation of classic Barbie in a feshn monster. All Monster High dolls are endowed with rolling hands and legs, so try to choose Barbie with flexible parts of the body. This item is quite important, since as a result we must get the most identical doll similar to the original. First, practice on the old doll, which will not be sorry to spoil. After that, you can take a suitable Barbie and start real reincarnation.

Prepare breed materials in advance. You will need black paint for fabric, burgundy nail polish, corrector with tassel, purple, black and gray pastel, thin watercolor pencils, pink and purple pieces of fabric, wire, thread, needle, scissors and lacquer removal fluid. Many of these materials can be purchased at an artistic store.

Today we will show you how to make a doll draraculaura. In this example, you can create any of the dolls of the collection. The main thing is to carefully consider it before starting work. Draculaura is brunette, but most of the Barbie dolls have blond hair. If your Barbie hair is bright, just paint them into a dark color. You can take hair paint or for fabric. When the hair is painted and dried well, make a doll violet highlighting with pastels. But do not overdo it - there should be only a few thin stripes.

When the winning will be over, wait for complete drying and make a doll two tails - this is a favorite hairstyle of the draraculaura. Now go to makeup. Take burgundy nail polish and carefully draw the sponge doll. When they dry, take the proofreader with a thin tassel and draw your teeth - two small fangs, similar to the real fangs of the vampire. The next step is the eyes. Take pastel purple, gray and black. Make a beautiful makeup doll with smooth transitions. With the help of thin watercolor pencils you can draw a doll of eyelashes, eyebrows and folds on the lips. If the first time it does not work, remove the extra elements with a liquid to remove varnish.

Take care of the dressing of the draraculaura. The doll loves a lilac and pink color, so in priority there must be fabrics just such a shade. You can create for her a few outfits of different shades - here you can show fantasy with might and main. If you can, buy a piece of black lace. Thanks to this element, the general image will look mysterious and original.

The obligatory element of the draraculaura is an umbrella. Do not forget that the doll is a vampire, so on a sunny day this accessory is very important for her. Take the wire and a piece of fabric suitable color. The diameter of the wire must be quite large - it will be the shape of the stick. If there is no thick wire, twist a few thin wires. Then screw the wire umbrella and create a circle form to get the knitting needles. Cut pieces of fabric, impose them on the knitting needles and gently sew among themselves. Umbrella is ready!

You can buy a ready-made small umbrella, which ades are decorated, but paper options are short-lived. At this, the manufacture of dolls approached the end. If you liked the process, let the will of your fantasy and complement the game with other characters, accessories, furniture and other trifles.

It turned out beautiful and cracked draraculaura with a protective umbrella. In the example of this doll, you can create other characters, for example, Frankie Stein, Neplen de Neal, Lagoon Blue, Venus McFlight, etc.

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