How to make lysuan from shampoo

How to make lysuan from shampoo

Lizun is a glorified toy prototype of green stri-chalunca from the legendary "lead hunters." Manufacturers of children's toys launched a whole series of multi-colored lysunov, with which he fun to play or just remove stress. These ugractive creatures need to feed, drink and even treat, besides, they are able to multiply. Of course, there is nothing easier than to go to any children's store and buy such a dick to your baby. But the intelligent parents came up with many ways to make lysuine at home with completely safe ingredients. How to make lysun from shampoo - the topic of this article.

Lysun from shampoo and glue

The easiest option of creating a homemade lisuba provides for several primary components, with which you can adjust the shade, structure and smell of toys. In addition, such a lysun causes allergic reactions and does not exhibit a toxic effect on tender children's skin.

What do you need:

  • shampoo - 50 mg;
  • "Titan" (polymer adhesive) - 50 mg;
  • Dye (better food, for example, for painting Easter eggs) - 1-2 g;
  • Dishes (you can a disposable tray, a glass or a solid package);
  • The device for stirring ingredients (spoon, wooden wand).

Making toys:

  • In the prepared container, pour shampoo. It must be without additives in the form of air conditioning or microparticles.
  • Make a funnel in the center of shampoo and pour a dye there. If you want to make lysun a brighter and spectacular, double the portion of dying and add minor sparkles, sequins, liquid shine, beads or praises.
  • Stir all the components before receiving a homogeneous color.
  • Then portions add glue into color jelly, and prevent the surface until the surface is smooth and uniform. Due to this component, Lizun can be deformed and pull as rubber, while it will immediately take the original form. Instead of the polymer "titanium" you can use PVA, but Lizun will lose its properties to stretch.
  • If the toy is too liquid, you can make a little lush glue.
  • Store Lizuuna needed in hermetic packaging without access light, damp and air to prevent the structure of the structure.

Lizun from shampoo without adhesive base

If you want to make lysun with a more loose jelly-like structure, you can do without glue.

What do you need:

  • shampoo - 150 mg;
  • shower gel or dishwashing agents (you can take them equally) - 150 g.


  • Mix the components. Choose a shower gel, which is not a scrub and detergent without additional granules, so as not to disrupt the lysen structure.
  • Then place the lysuine in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes, and then you can safely play with him.
  • The only minus of such a homemade toy - when heated, it loses viscosity. Therefore, lysuine needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Such a funny toy can be made not only from the shampoo and glue, but also from starch, borants and even plasticine. Whatever option you have chosen, any of the bottom is very easy to perform. Make such a wonderful creature for your child and it will surely be delighted.

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