How to do at home lysus

How to do at home lysus

Lizun (Handgam) is a popular jelly-shaped toy, to the touch similar to soft rubber. Children, and adults play with pleasure: stretch, cool, tear and glued back. And she appeared thanks to the cunning and voracious hero from the cartoon "Hunters for the leaders" - the green lead, which was called - lysun.

Do you like this character too? Then make Handgam yourself by connecting to the work of your son.

How to do at home lysus using borants

There are many ways to manufacture lysus, consider the most popular. You will need:

  • 100 gr. white plow glue;
  • breaker Breaker - Sodium Tetraborate, Sold By Pharmacy without a recipe. It can still be a bora in powder - Borax, is also suitable, but you will have to breed it with water, according to the instructions on the label;
  • zelenka, gouache or food dye - to give the desired color to the lease;
  • capacity, wand for mixing, napkin.

All cooked, begin to make:

  • Shake the bubble with glue and pour the contents into a jar. Add 5 drops of green tside there. Stir.
  • Pour in a mixture of 1 tsp. Boers and carefully disperse for five minutes. In the process of work you will need about 4 spoons of sodium tetraborate.
  • Put a viscous substance on a cotton cloth so that the excess moisture is gone.
  • A few minutes later the mass will be connected. Remember her good arms - the toy is ready.

Tip: Store Lizun in a cool place so that the sun's rays do not fall.

When the child plays, remove the lysuine into the package, pull the rubber band.


How to make at home lysus from starch

If you could not find a solution of borants, make a toy from starch.

  • Divide 4 tbsp. l. Potato starch in 1/2 cup of water. Measure 100 ml of the resulting solution and pour it into the cellophane package. Add 4 drops of liquid blue for color.
  • Enter 3 tbsp in the mixture. l. PVA glue. Stir the content with your hands before the formation of a dense bunch.
  • In addition to the thick mass in the package, water will appear, so remove the lysuine and blot it with a napkin.

Such a toy will serve for a child about a week. Keep Handgam in a jar with a lid so that it will not be overgrown with dust.


How to make lysuun at home from shampoo

Funny lysun can be made from an ordinary shampoo, with the addition of dyes and polymer glue, type "Titan".

  • Pour 100 ml shampoo into a bowl, add a food dye - 0.5 teaspoons, mix.
  • Connect the painted shampoo with 4 tbsp. l. glue.
  • Pour the liquid into the package, mix your hands to the desired thickness.

Remove the substance obtained, put it on the closing container.

Photo Sh

How to do at home lysus from food soda

It is quite easy to make lysuin with the use of soda, however, it will turn quickly. Prepare: a half-table of water, 100 ml of PVA glue, dye, water - 50 ml, 2 cups, wand.

Pour glue in the first cup and 1 tbsp. l. Water, add dye. In another cup, stir the soda with the remaining water until uniformity. Place a mixture in the bowl from different tanks. Stick 10 minutes until the lysun thickens. Roll off his kolobom, give the baby - let him play.

Photo 2.

How to do at home Lizena from alcohol

This unusual way implies that there is not only borants in the house, but also a polyvinyl alcohol - powdered thermoplastic polymer.

Mix 1 tsp. Dry alcohol with 250 ml of water, put on a slow fire, Tomite half an hour. While the mixture will cool, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Sodium tetrabrate in a glass of water. Mix alcohol and a boor 3: 1, send the dye there. Stir up to the required consistency, cool, use.

Photo L.

Ideas are a lot of what you like, choose. In any case, you make an unusual toy that you will enjoy the children and come in handy. Having come from working with a terrible mood, frow leasing in your hands, cut the face from it, in the end, smear it along the wall, and all the troubles will seem to you with a complete nonsense.

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