If earlier than the tattoo (but it is better to call the knocker) in people associated with places of imprisonment or with some values, then in 2017 it's time to discard your stereotypes, because at the moment the tattoo is real art, the game of flowers and lines on the skin.
The industry of this skill does not stand still, as new techniques appear, the tattoo shops constantly open, and on social networks we can admire the photos of tattooed people who are rapidly gaining popularity in the model business.
But not everyone wants to risk and make a tattoo on their own body, and there are a number of reasons for it:
- Many are afraid of pain, because at the session at the master you have to sit sometimes at 5 o'clock and more.
- Not everyone is ready to decorate your body for life.
- Someone does not allow you to score visible places work.
- Many worries the opinion of others, especially the question about what will be in old age (although, tattooed grandparents look very cool!).
And that is not all. In general, if you do not want to apply a drawing on the skin forever, that is, excellent ways to make temporary tattoos at home. These methods are perfect for thematic photo shoots or parties, and it is quite fascinating, because it has to include creativity!
How to make a temporary tattoo: simple tattoo inscriptions
To create an inscription you will need:
- A sharp waterproof eye pencil (you can use the usual, but then the tattoo stability will be less). It is advisable to use classic black color, but you can experiment with color pencils, the main thing is that it looks not pale on the skin.
- Baby powder.
- Hair fixation spray.
Take a pencil and apply on the skin you like the inscription, preferably above the brushes, because your hands have to wash.
Next, apply a little sprinkler on the drawing and scroll through it with light patting movements - this will help add to your durability pattern. Then you sprinkle a little tattoo with hair varnish.
Such a drawing will last on the body for several hours. To get rid of the tattoos - wipe it with napkins for removing makeup.
How to make a temporary tattoo: Translated tattoo
In order to make a beautiful temporary pattern on the body, you will need a special transfer paper and a printer. If you do not find it in the stationery store, you can order on eBay., aliexpress or amazon..
Just print your favorite drawing, open the protective film and apply a future tattoo on the body, then press the paper with a slightly damp cloth and carefully remove it. Such a tattoo can hold out in beautiful form more than a day. The main thing is not to wear clothes that can erase the drawing.
How to make a temporary tattoo with henna
Mehendi - it is impossible to call the tattoo for it is a completely different culture, but the patterns on the skin may look beautiful, and they hold more than a week. Of course, it is better to turn to a professional, however, you can try to make a stunning pattern at home, just taking into account the drawing for a long time is not erased.
Iranian henna is applied to the skin with a thin brush so as not to be mistaken. You can pre-translate the stencil.
How to make a temporary tattoo: Tattoo-sleeves from kapron tights
This is a very creative process, so it may be interesting. Capron Tattoo Sleeves are perfect for thematic photos, but do not wear them in ordinary life, for you can easily launch lovers of real tattoos.
You will need:
- Kapron tights: Try to pick them up with skin color, for example, for more tanned brown, and for light skin - tights of light peaching color. For this purpose, it is better to take the thinnest, you can do the cheapest.
- Colored markers, be sure to purchase black for contours.
From the tights you can make a sleeve or semi-short, that is, from the wrist to the forearm. Cut from a panty of your sock and the length you need, for convenience, pull the tights on the roll or wide cardboard.
Choose the picture you like on the Internet and simply draw it to the tights. You can print the picture and just circle it. Wear an unreal tattoo sleeve with a bracelet that covers the joint.

As you can see, there are many ways to make a temporary tattoo, the main thing is to show fantasy!