How to draw on a tattoo handle

How to draw on a tattoo handle

I want to decorate your body with a beautiful tattoo, but parents against or stops fear before being very painful? Then you should not dream of a constant tattoo, especially since there is an alternative method - you can draw a temporary tattoo with an ordinary handle.

In order to draw a unique pattern on the body and thus to distinguish between the party, be able to draw at all, not necessarily, how to buy special equipment. It will take a finished stencil, a bit of amazing and gel pen.

How to draw a tattoo handle on your hand yourself

In order to draw a temporary drawing that will last a couple of days, you will need:

  • pencil and gel handle of the desired color (perfect - black);
  • tracing paper or baking paper (choose a thorough);
  • scissors;
  • cotton disk and clean kitchen towel;
  • talc;
  • alcohol disinfecting solution.

How to draw tattoo:

  • First you need to decide on the pattern. If nothing suitable is inventying, it is better to buy a ready-made stencil in advance or search for tips in the Internet. Perhaps there you will like a pretty picture, suitable in spirit and reflective your condition and character.
  • The drawing should be drawn on a parchment with a simple pencil - so far only contour, and then the black handle fill the free space. Layout of the future tattoo is ready.
  • Next, you must select the location of the temporary tattoo. If you draw yourself, then choose the most convenient place for creativity: beautifully looks like a small tattoo on your hand. If you want to draw tattoo on the back, neck or on your shoulder, you have to ask a friend.
  • The skin must be prettier won with alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Take a small kitchen towel or cut clean fabric. Fabric need to wet in warm water.
  • Now go to the most interesting: you need to cut the drawing on the outlined circuit, attach to the body to the place that you consider the most profitable for a temporary tattoo.
  • From above you need to impose a wet cloth, hold for a minute. No need to twitch and move, as well as hard to press.
  • After the specified time, remove the fabric and try to beat the parchment tip to make sure the drawing is imprinted on the skin. If the drawing is still pale, not fully printed, then you need to hold a little more.
  • Remove the trash, wait a bit, then you can handle the missing details and make a tattoo more expressive.
  • Last, final barcode - fixing the result. You need to trigger the drawing with a talc or sprinkle with a varnish of hair. If you have a special adhesive film in stock, then this is generally the perfect option - glued with a thin layer and waited until it snacks. That's all, a beautiful tattoo is ready!

How to draw a tattoo handle on hand - what else you need to know

It is one thing to draw a beautiful temporary tattoo, and another thing is the right care.

What you need to take into account so that the drawing holds longer:

  • not to wash in hot water, and also to rub the place to rub the place where the temporary tattoo is drawn;
  • if it happened that water or other liquids and other liquids hit the drawing, then you will have to quickly erase the tattoo. To do this, take the napkin, attach to the tattoo to impregnate the extra liquid and erase the drawing completely. This will avoid such unpleasant consequences as evaints clothes;
  • if you want to make an inscription, then you will have to try and write letters in mirror reflection. Then, when applying a template, the drawing will be without errors and each letter will be in its place;
  • dark-skinned Persons will have to increase the template shutter time for 30 seconds;
  • to erase a blurred tattoo or if the result is not impressed, use alcohol and cotton disk, or soap;
  • for the first application, the drawing is better to choose a simple and small: geometry, patterns, flowers, insects. Then you can try a more complex drawing, as well as hieroglyphs.

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