How to make a confectionery bag at home

How to make a confectionery bag at home

Culinary bag - an indispensable item in the arsenal hozyayki.S via goodies it is possible to give more presentable. There are cases that the previous bag has worn, or it does not exist, and the time or facilities are not available, then there is a need to make a piping bag with his own. For example, bags made of different auxiliary materials.

How to make a piping bag in the home of polyethylene

Manufactured piping bag can be of polyethylene material, namely packet Kulka, a file package to be frozen, etc. Time and effort to the creation of such a self-made bag not need much. For its production need to:

  • prepare a plastic bag;
  • fill it with the necessary cream;
  • squeeze the air out of the bag;
  • fix a bundle package or pull a thread, clasp;
  • cut off the corner of the desired diameter.

This way you can quickly create a disposable pastry bag. Depending on what the diameter of cut off a corner of the package, you will get different tips for decorating all kinds of vkusnyashek. It is simple to use, does not require washing.

How to make a piping bag at home paper

Piping bag can be made of paper. This is best suited waxed paper or baking paper. Also, adjusting the tip, it is possible to achieve various configurations nozzles, cutting out various shapes. For the creation of this paper bag you must:

  • cut paper triangle;
  • fold the paper to get a cone;
  • edge of the paper cone inside bend;
  • filled with cream cone;
  • cut the tip of the required diameter of the cone.

Pastry bag paper is very easy to perform. After use, it is discarded.

How to make a piping bag in the home textiles

Previous methods describe the creation of disposable confectionery bags. From the fabric you can create a confectionery bag that can be used repeatedly. When choosing a tissue, pay attention to the material. The most suitable tissue is tick. Since this material does not learn and has a dense structure. To create a confectionery bag of fabric, it is necessary:

  • cut triangular fabric;
  • collapse cone from it;
  • firmly flash one side thread;
  • scissors cut off the tip of the cone;
  • enter into the cone the nozzle.

Suts on a pastry bag should be left outside, so that they did not fall into them. Escribe this bag is necessary without detergent. To disinfect it, you need to try the iron, setting a high temperature.

How to make a confectionery bag at home - useful tips

  • From the covers from plastic bottles, you can make various nozzles for confectionery bags from various materials.
  • Before decorating baking, take a little across something.
  • For novice confectioners, it is better to start decorating baking with simple drawings, namely asterisks and points.
  • Fabric Choose not painted so that it does not polish.

Make a confectionery bag independently of the girlfriend, plastic bags, paper or cloth will come to the rescue. With this culinary attribute, you can amazefully decorate pastry products!

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