How to make Nengeton liquid at home

How to make Nengeton liquid at home

Everyone knows that any liquid spreads. But there are substances that can occupy a vertical position and even withstand the human weight. They are distinguished by an inhomogeneous structure and are called Nengeton fluids. Want to surprise the child or guests with interesting experiences? Do independently Nengeton fluid at home.

We make Nengeton fluid at home - the method of first

Create cold water, deep soulful and packaging of starch - potato or corn. Cooking method:

  • pour into the bowl of the fourth part of the starch packaging;
  • slowly pour half a glass of water in a bowl. Mix. Add a dye into the water - get a color mass;
  • continue to pour out starch and pour the water as long as the mass is released, similar to Kissel;
  • stir the mass until uniformity. It is best to interfere with hands;
  • pouring the resulting liquid into the baking form or other ass. Mix its index finger in a circle - first slowly and gradually accelerate movement. You got an unusual substance.

It will take a lot of time to stirring until the fluid becomes dense. Use water with starch in the same proportions, but often water is required more. The liquid becomes dense as the starch is added. Ultimately, you will have a white viscous mass that can be pouring into the palm.

We do Nengeton fluid at home - the method of the second


  • ¾ Art. water and half of the glass separately;
  • 1 tbsp. PVA glue;
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of borants.

Pour a glass of water into a deep plate 3/4 and put the glue there. Mix well. In another bowl, connect half a glass of water with a buroy. Stir until the drill is completely dissolved. Connect two solutions in one mind and mix well. Optionally, in the cooking process, put a dye. Place the Nengetone fluid in the package, make it and disperse it. Store the substance in the refrigerator and demonstrate the need for its properties.

We make edible Nengeton fluid at home

Please the children with edible Nengeton liquid. Pour into the pan of the bank of condensed milk. Place the plates on a small fire and add a tablespoon of starch. Slowly stirred and boil the liquid until it thickens. Turn off the stove and add food dye to the thickened mass, stirring. Put the saucepan on the windowsill cool. Children can play sweet mass or eating it. But ask them to be neat, the liquid leaves the stains on clothes.

How to make Nengeton fluid at home - interesting experiences

Did you make a unique substance and what's next? Spend interesting experiences with it:

  • type the full arm of the fluid and make a ball from it. Remember and squeeze in your hand. If you roll the ball quickly - the mass is hardening. If you roll slowly - the liquid is spread by hand.
  • place your hand brush into the liquid and try to dramatically pull your hand. Your hands will, as if cemented in the mass, and raise a bowl with fluid into the air;
  • slowly lower the hand into the liquid and sharply squeeze the fingers there. You will see that a solid layer appeared between the fingers;
  • flood strongly on a plate with palm liquid. Your viewers will scatter on the sides to not get dirt. But the unusual fluid will remain in the bowl;
  • pour the substance from one sudine to another. You will see that the fluid is poured on top, and the bottom is frozen.

Nengeton fluid, manufactured at home, is not applicable anywhere. It is designed for entertainment. Try to come up with her something new, create and invent. Children really like such experiments!

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