How to make polymer clay

How to make polymer clay

Polymer clay or thermoplastic - excellent material for creativity. From it you can make unusual jewelry, food for dolls and decorative statuettes. The cost of plastic is high, especially if you need to make a big figure. In order not to spend money, you can make a polymer clay yourself.

To prepare, thermoplasty take the big bottle of PVA glue. Enough jars with a volume of 250 ml. Pour glue in dishes with corn starch. Enough glass of corn flour. After that, in a viscous mass, enter vaseline and hand cream across the tablespoon. Pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and put in the microwave for 30 seconds.

How to make polymer clay

Pull out the mass of the stove and remove the solid crust from its surface. Elastic mass thoroughly, and again put in the microwave for 30 seconds. After that, cool the plastic to room temperature and mix for 5 minutes. Mix better on the table with a silicone rug. It is desirable to lubricate glycerol or hand cream. Clay should be elastic and soft. It turns out 300-400 g of material. This quantity is sufficient for modeling the statuette of the medium size.

How to make polymer clay

What if the mass goeshes and is blunting badly? In this case, heal the thermoplastic in the microwave and add a spoonful of vaseline or glycerin into it. Dark up to homogeneity. Remember, the polymer clay can not be stored outdoors, it will dry. Wrap each piece of material with food film and fold into the jar. Close the capacity with a lid. If necessary, take from the bank only the number you need. Store the remains in the cold. The shelf life of the homemade mass is 6 months. Do not forget to wrap pieces in Celofan. It will prevent the drying of clay.

How to make polymer clay

A white clay is obtained from corn starch, so to get colored material, you can add food dye to the mass. If you are drawing on the glass, then in the corn dough it is worth adding stained paints. Add pigments dropped by thoroughly stirring plastic. If you do not have corn starch, it can be replaced by potatoes. Plastic from it is obtained with a yellowish tint. Therefore, if you need to sculpt white roses or snowdrops, purchase corn starch.

How to make polymer clay

What if you need to prepare liquid clay? Get a special plasticizer in the art goods store. Prepare liquid thermoplastic will not work by diluting clay with vaseline and cream. There are special paints for thermoplastic, but the price of them is significantly higher than the cost of food dyes.

How to make polymer clay

Polymer clay, obtained in this way, can be baked or cooking. It dries perfectly in the air, but for this you need a lot of time. Do not stand the plastic products in the oven, they will yellow or become dark. The ideal temperature for baking is 100 ° C. In the process of preparing the material and its baked, use heat-resistant dishes.

How to make polymer clay

Having bothering a little, you get a piece of thermoplastic that will allow you to create jewelry, figurines and even dishes.

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