How to make glowing water

How to make glowing water

You want to impress guests or to arrange a holiday kids? Then you will glowing liquid. It is possible to make improvised, but this water will shine for long. If the use of special reagents, it is possible to make the composition, which will be a long flashing in the darkness.

The easiest way to make glowing water - a mix sprite with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Luminescence takes place due to chemical reaction substances. But to enjoy the light, you will not last long. Just a few minutes was completely react with each other, and the liquid becomes colorless.

How to make glowing water

To get the glowing water that will long to please the guests have to visit a store to buy chemical reagents and it luminol. This substance, which collects particles of light, and when it is dark gives them into the environment.

To prepare the luminous liquid mix beaker of tap water with 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, it will be enough 3% solution. Then add a solution of copper sulfate on the blade tip. The liquid is blue, you prepared by mixing the ingredients vsypte half teaspoon luminol. Stir the mixture, pour into an alkali solution. Necessary 1 tablespoon of weak solution. You can close the curtains and enjoy the glow.

How to make glowing water

Can be prepared on the basis of the fluorescent liquid Dimexidum. This material is sold in a pharmacy. Bottle Dimexidum (80 g) was mixed with three tablespoons of alkali and add a few crystals of luminol. Close the jar and shake it. To obtain the desired color, you can add the dye. Do not open the vessel until the solution smells bad. If the light goes dim, slightly open for a couple of minutes the vessel. If air enters the chemical reaction will resume, and the water will begin to shine again.

How to make glowing water

With luminol, you can prepare a pink luminescent liquid. To do this, add the luminol solution and the hydrogen peroxide bottle. Mix gently. Practice several crystals of manganese. The solution will start foaming, and if you turn off the light, you can see the glow.

How to make glowing water

If you do not have time to go shopping and acquire luminol, you can do without it. But in this case, the liquid glows for a long time. Take half a cup of water and add a pair of droplets of a coniferous concentrate into it. Practice into the solution a teaspoon of boric acid. It is sold in a pharmacy. Put the mixture on the fire and bring it to a boil. Do not forget to stir the substance. When it boils, disconnect the heating and cool the mixture. After complete cooling, put the solution on fire again. As a result, you will get yellow water that shines in the dark.

How to make glowing water

Remember, all substances for the manufacture of "magic fluid" are dangerous to the health of children. Keep them in a closed glassware away from kids. Immediately after the focus, pour fluid to the toilet. Do not leave it in open dishes. The child may accidentally drink or pour it. Stains from the upholstery from the luminous water can be removed, losing a half lemon fabric.

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