Little children grow rapidly, and so I want to capture their tiny fingers and legs in memory. Fully tangible thing can be the cast of handles and legs made by parents. The manufacturing process is very simple, materials are available, and the result will delight you for many years.
You will need:
plaster or alabaster;
paint in the canoe;
picture frame;
liquid Nails;
photo of a child, decoration.
To get an impression, make salty dough. Salt's half-table dissolve in one glass of water and add flour. All thoroughly mix so that it turns out the elastic, soft dough. Flour add about 1 cup, but if the hands stick to the dough, you can increase the amount of flour.
The resulting dough divide into 4 parts and roll over the cakes with a thickness of 2 cm and the size of a little more palm. We take a kid handle and gently pressing into the dough. The hands and legs of the child should be dry, clean, so as not to stick to the dough. We remove the palm and look at what the imprint turned out. If not very clear rolling back salted dough and repeat the process. Try to make a deep imprint.
In a separate container, we drag the plaster or alabaster. We take a half-table of dry matter and gradually add water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The resulting solution quickly pour into the shape of the test until the alabaster froze. So that the air bubbles do not remain, gently move the mold. Ottish leave to dry for a day.
Carefully remove the surfaces of the legs and the handles, since the resulting fingers are very fragile. For this, the dough turn over and slowly finish it from the cast. Excess pieces are cut off by a knife, irregularities are processed by emery paper.
It's time to paint our casts. Traditionally, the gold and silver sprayed paint is used. But you can take and the usual gouache. After drying, the blinders stick them to the frame using liquid nails. Insert the photo of the baby, decorate the applique.
The considered option allows you to make the shapes of the handles and legs with the help of girlfriend. To obtain volumetric casts, you can purchase ready-made sets with gel filler.
Share advice:"How to make blind legs and baby handles"
Tell me where you can buy an alginate mixture?
Wonderful article, everything is described in detail, thanks), I also spend the cast in Krasnodar for a long time
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