By the Day of the Great Victory on May 9 there is a lot of options to express their respect and gratitude to the heroes of the Second World War, their proudness, patriotism. We offer to your attention a variety of techniques for fakes that will become an excellent gift or decoration on May 9.
On a postcard, a poster in the form of an application you can depict the festive and military attributes ( read more here). For decoration, you can use colored paper, sequins (sequins), threads. For the application background, a printout or newspaper clipping can be seen on the capitulation of fascist Germany, about the victory of the USSR, military poems or songs with notes.
Origami crafts are always impressive with their visual complexity, in fact, everything is easier than it seems. By May 9, any work can be decorated origami flowers, asterisks, as well as whole modules made of paper triangles.
Triangular module
To create an element, fold the sheet in half along the length, then in half in width. Turn over the workpiece, maintain the corners so that the triangle is turned out (see Figure), bend it in half. The element has 2 corners and 2 "pockets", thanks to which these modules can be collected in a complex design. For this corner of one detail insert another in the "pockets". For the strength of the fake compounds are fixed with glue.
Element asterisk
Cut the paper strips 1x26 cm. Take one strip, one finish wrap the loop, tighten slightly. Next, the long "tail" will turn the workpiece several times so that the correct pentagon turns out. Hide the tip under the strip. Now for each side of the pentagon needs to be pressed so as to form the asterisk itself. From a variety of such stars, you can lay out any picture with a mosaic, they will significantly decorate the festive fake.
Very beautiful seems to seems made in the technique quilling. Having created the texture of the twisted strips of paper, they can be painted out of the spacing, for example, gold paint and decorate the St. George ribbon.
Torching is an easy way to create an original volumetric image. It will take corrugated (crepe) paper. Without unfolding a roll, cut off the edge of 1 cm, it turns out a long strip that you need to cut into squares. Each square apply the center to the fallen end of the rod for the ballpoint handle, wrap the rod with your fingers into the tube, the edge moisure and attach to the contour drawing or coloring (visually in the video at the bottom of the article).
Beading lovers can prepare a festive craft of beads. It can be like a wicker work, and the picture is grazed with a multi-colored beads.
To perform work in the technique, it will take a solid basis, durable threads and needles. The drawing is applied to the cardboard. On the contour, holes are soles, in which the threads will continue and will be invested.
The basis of the technique to spin is the ability to perform circular and angular filling. Numerous isolation schemes are represented on the network.
A two-layer picture, an outdoor, very relevant on the day of victory. Very convenient to choose a two-color picture. In this case, copy it to the top sheet, cut the blade or the stationery knife of the area of \u200b\u200bthe same color and put the sheet of contrasting the bottom.
Painting of dishes or glass stained in paints ( more details) - A good way to prepare a unique work on Victory Day!
Crafts from clay, plasticine or salted test - option for both kids and artists-sculptors. The complexity depends on your experience and qualifications.
Salt dough crafts
Embroidery with a cross, stroke, beads, yes, in principle, in any way, is an excellent way to congratulate everyone with a great victory.
Decorations from ribbons in Kanzashi technique ( more about bays) With the use of St. George ribbon as never relevant on May 9th.