How to draw a poster by May 9

How to draw a poster by May 9

This article will help to make an original wall newspaper or poster for the Victory Day. Previously, tips will have already been published that will help in this case: what to draw on May 9, ways to decorate a congratulatory poster can be learned here.

A poster can be both a standard rectangular shape and any other, more creative, for example, in the form of a star, oval, flag. Also, instead of a single base, you can on the fabric (the same flag, Soviet pass) or directly on the wall to attach individual elements of the wall newspaper or poster (carved large letters and numbers "May 9," "Victory", "70 years of the Great Victory").

The content of the congratulatory poster can be lyrical (poems, the text of the military songs), prose (tenderloin of newspapers about war, passages of letters of participants of the Great Patriotic War), informative (documentary historical facts relating to World War II).

Patriotic poems for Victory Day are widely represented on the network, your task is to choose what will affect the strings of your soul.

Let the days of the war stretched very long,
Let them quickly raced the peace years.
Victory near Moscow, under Kursk and on the Volga
The story will remember forever.

Let you now fathers and grandfathers,
Whiskey Surprised Sedna.
In a century you do not forget the spring of Victory,
That day when the war ended.

Let many today do not in the ranks
We remember everything that was done then
And promise your homeland
Save for business, peace and labor.

Your wall newspaper can be very useful if you set out little-known interesting facts regarding World War II, for example:

  • fascists won France for 38 days, and in Stalingrad this time they did not have enough to move on one side of the street to another;
  • 80 thousand Soviet officers during the Second World Women were;
  • abroad, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, since the act of surrender in Central European time was signed on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 (and Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43).

Proponality, the price of victory can be reflected in the poster of photographs of military times. This may be plentious to express your understanding, respect for the generation of the heroes of the Second World War. You can choose photos of both military scenes and modern from a parade, veterans in medals. An interesting idea for a class at school or group in kindergarten - take a picture of every child with one of the letters of congratulations or your own pattern.

You can make a poster in retro-style as a Soviet poster. Examples of real posters of those times will find on request "Soviet posters of the Times of the Great Patriotic War" in the search engine of your browser. The most popular "for their homeland is a mother!", "Glory to the Winner Winner!".

A poster is usually carried out by one or group of people, but what should everyone make their contribution to a common cause? Instead of or together with the poster competition, the organizers can be held a competition for the best drawing on the asphalt for the Victory Day. Then every child can depict their attitude towards the Great Victory and join the holiday.

As wonderful that every year the festive shares of the Victory Day are becoming more and more interesting. Patriotic flash mobs, contests of thematic work - this is a way to introduce the younger generation to great joy and pride for our homeland, thank the participants of the terrible freedom war, for the peaceful sky above your head!

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