How to make a New Year's craft to school

How to make a New Year's craft to school

Each year before the New Year holidays, cool leaders offer students to make at home and bring a New Year's craft to school. As a rule, these toys go to the decoration of the school tree or for holding exhibitions and competitions. We offer you several crafts that are quite simple to make out of the available materials without spending a lot of time.

How to make a New Year's craft to school - a simple option

Is your child - a first-grader and to build a difficult thing to him not under power? Make a pendant Christmas tree cardboard with it. The necessary materials and tools: cardboard, glue, needle with thread, scissors.

  • Draw on the cardboard a Christmas tree, with symmetrically stretched branches. Cut two such stencils.
  • Bend the workpiece in half vertically and glue together. Drop the green beauty, attaching beads, buttercups, the star on the top.
  • Punch holes at the top, thread thread into it, at the end of which tie a nodule. Give the toy to dry and you can go to school, boast.

How to make a New Year's craft to school - Openwork balls

This handicraft looks very impressive, however, you will have to take part in its manufacture. To work, you will need: white threads, sewn, balloons, disposable cup, pva glue, needle.

  • Protect a seer with a cup through, retreating from the bottom for 1 cm. Pour into the prepared container glue and skip the thread with a needle to the resulting hole.

  • Lubricate the bulb of the Vaseline, pull the adhesive thread and wrap it, like the web, inflated workpieces.

  • As soon as the threads are dried, pinched the ball and remove it through the hole near the tail. The products obtained perfectly suit for the festive outfit hall.

How to make a New Year's craft to school - Snowman

Snowman made of foam - a good idea for the New Year's craft. Such a toy, settling in the class on the windowsill or the teacher's table, will give the interior a fabulous note. Take: Foam balls - balls (sold in needlework stores) with a diameter of 9 and 12 cm, scissors, a stationery knife, a glue gun, segments of felt and fleece, beads, marker.

  • Cut from a large ball from above and below a portion of the foam, and cuts must be parallel to each other. Little ball - cut from one edge. Spread the blanks to get the body of a snowman.

  • Prepare two symmetrical handles by cutting them out of foam residues.

  • Put the mittens by attaching to the handle material. Scarf and hood Calculate, removing the measurement from the head and place of the supposed neck.

  • Make a bend on 1 cm on the headdress, fold the matter with the crowd inside and proof the side slice. The opposite side of the workpiece cut the noodles, then turn out there, collect the fringe in the pompon and make it a ribbon.

  • Clause in the mittens, sides, remove the product on the front side and put on the knobs of the snowy little man. Welve a hat on his head and wrap your neck scarf. Grab the glue of the eyes-buttons, the carrot, made of a piece of orange felt, draw the cilia marker, smile and let off the rudes of the cheek-apple. The work was performed - handicraft ready.

How to make a New Year's craft to school - bells

Very colorful it turns out a thing from an ordinary plastic jar from yogurt. Even for toys, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bribbons, lace, beads, sprig of ate, spray-paint, glue.

  • Color a couple of cups and a branch of golden paint from the canister. Cut the flowers from the guipure, attach each beads into the middle and glue the lace to the billets. Wake up the edges of future yarn-type bells - "grass".

  • Collect the headband of the harmonic tape, secure it, stitching thread. Shake the bells together, apply the bow on top and glue the design to a fir paw.

New Year's craft will be original and exclusive if you use our advice and connecting fantasy, join creativity and help the child to task.

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