How to make an offer to a girl

How to make an offer to a girl

Sooner or later, all the approach to its logical ending. Offer to join her life with another person is just as hard as separate. Many men are often not in a hurry to make a proposal to his beloved, because I do not know how to ask a loved one to become his life companion.

Lovely man, if you want to connect by ties of Hymen with his lover, but do not know how best to do it, then turn your attention to the experience of your predecessors.

It seemed that nothing is easier than to ask for the hand and heart in his lover: you've known for a long time, love each other, you have common interests and habits, and not once noticed how she dreamily glancing at the windows of wedding salons. But that's just gather the courage to ask his beloved to reciprocate, for some reason you do not dare. After all, you want to make an offer so that she remembered it all his life, and happy to talk to your children and grandchildren about how you asked for her hand. But to this point, it remained forever in her memory one of moving in life, you should try and prepare for it.

How to make a proposal to the girl - a date on the roof

If you live in St. Petersburg, Moscow or some resort town, with wonderful views, you can invite your sweetheart on a date in a special place. Despite the fact that the assurances of your chosen one is not afraid of heights, though, is high off the ground, it will feel like a little girl, you want to protect. Most likely, during the entire date or it will hold your hand or cuddle up to you.

In order to organize a meeting on the roof, there is nothing difficult. Now the big cities there are even a lot of firms that for a fee will not only provide you with access to the roof, but also to help all to issue, offer the services of its photographer. For travelers on the roof is not necessary to cover the table with a lush variety of dishes. Perfect basket with fruit, whipped cream and champagne.

Surely, your lover will always remember with warmth in the heart, on the roof of flats you have made her an offer of marriage, and then watched, catching the sunset.

How to make a proposal to the girl - give a puppy or kitten

Touch beloved as possible and to implement it cherished dream. She had long dreamed of a husky puppy or a kitten. And you have often thought about what to give her a true friend, but kept putting it off until later.

At this time, I slowness played in your favor, and you can make an original marriage proposal, giving her little puppy, on a collar or a ribbon which will ring. It is not necessary to prepare a long speech, she herself will tell all of you.

How to make a proposal to the girl - path of rose petals

Every woman dreams of something romantic, at least once in life. Men do not always go to this "feat" for the sake of the beloved, in fact too much effort on your part is required.

Get the beloved track of rose petals, and then sit down in front of her with a cherished ringlet - will cause a degree of emotion in his beloved. And no matter where you plan to hold this event: in the apartment, in the country, in nature, the main thing - all prepared in advance, and it is desirable to avoid prying eyes.

Particularly touching happens if you play on any musical instrument (provided, if you know how or take special classes) before ask her to be your life companion.

How to make a proposal to the girl - balloons

Invite any pretext mate to his home. Best of all, invite so that it is nothing suspect. For example, you can say that you are sick and you would like to see it a little sat with you.

While it will look for raspberry jam, you are sure to decorate the room in different sets, electric garlands and desirable colors. Buy a huge amount of balloons in the form of hearts, so that they filled the room.

Meet her, you can imitate the common cold. Get her in a dark room (it is desirable that the evening and the light is switched off), and first switch on only the garland, and then all the light. To one of the balls tie wedding ring. Hand her the coveted ball and wait for the result.

How to make a proposal to the girl - echoes of the past

What girl does not dream of a gentleman or a prince on a white horse? And why at least once in his life to become one. Buy or rent a costume if desired, and including fantasy, sit down on one knee and ask her to become a lady.

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