How to fall in love with a girl

How to fall in love with a girl

Before you fall in love with the girl you like, first you need to decide to decide whether you really need it, we have all the pros and cons, because if you yourself do not feel romantic feelings for it, we do not advise you to do so in order to avoid unnecessary problems . If your feelings are really strong, then follow our advice, and your goal will be achieved.

What kind of man you need to be to fall in love with a girl

You can not equate all girls to each other, because each of them is especially and individual, one like the brutal guys, other romantic blondes. Of course, there are general recommendations that affect the psychology of almost all girls.

  • Be yourself. You do not need to build from yourself Johnny Depp and not Breda Pitt, do not try to be the one who you are not to make an impression. The girl immediately recognizes false and finish all communication with you.
  • Be a person. Never cease to work on yourself and develop. Read more, watch movies, transfers, learn new skills, gain experience. Girls have always loved and will love successful and smart men. You must be interested, this is a suction base.
  • Respect yourself. A man must be a self-confident male, just so a woman will feel your strength, support and reliability. Little girl will bend on a man out of pity. But even if it happens, such an alliance does not promise anything good and very quickly.
  • Be right. Women in nature love and appreciate the winning men. You are not a winner if all the time it is wrong.
  • Be persistent. All women want them to be achieved, so, even if you have suffered a fiasco, do not hurry to retool, do not give up and you will succeed.
  • Unpredictability. The girl is unlikely to fall in love with you, if you guess every step, be unpredictable. Do not speak specifically, "I will call tomorrow afternoon," say, for example, "phoning", "see you."
  • Optimism. Women love merchant, which are able to laugh at any situation, even over the most cavern. In addition, it is humor that you can hide your drawbacks.
  • Jokes in the name of love. Everyone must laugh at your jokes, and the girl, and friends, even you yourself. If you do not have a humor, look at the comedy, read the literature, see the humorous programs.
  • Sincerity. The girl who you want to fall in love with the girl is fraught with complete rejection. Be honest, speak only the truth. Remember that the lie in any case will be disclosed, and you can hardly die from the brand of a liar. In addition, girls always feel sincerity in relation to themselves at the subconscious level. Speaking compliments, do it to the place without flattery.
  • Be generous. If you make the impression of a bump, then all attempts to conquer the heart of your beloved will be vain. It does not mean that you need to give fur and diamonds, you need to be generous in the trifles - cafes, flowers, perfume, candy, and so on.
  • Be clean. Obdy and well-groomed men like everyone without exception to girls. Do not start your hair - visit the salons, follow the nails and cleanliness of clothes.
  • Listen to the beloved. It is no secret that women love to talk, listen to her, she can tell you a lot of useful information on the conquest of her heart.

How to fall in love with a girl - the behavior of a man

  • Do not run for a girl. Everyone wants to see a self-sufficient man, according to which a sympathy for a girl is visible, but at the same time he will not "float." If you are an emotional person by nature, and you can not cope with you, come up with yourself a hobby, and instead of calling your beloved for the tenth time, do it.
  • Attract her attention. See her more often in the eye. There are psychological chip among the Picaarters, at the moment when your eyes will meet, look deep in them and tell me: "Well, you caught a girl." Only in no case tell it out loud.
  • Make her think about yourself. To do this, you can give her a bauble reminiscent of yourself. It can be a figurine, a figurine, keychain. It is best to give symbolic gifts, not practical.
    Do not give at first expensive gifts, as they will talk about your seriousness towards the girl, and we do not need it. She should get caught on the network first. Dear gifts can be given when the girl has already sunk at you.
  • The courage attracts girls. Whether her intercession in any situation, it will certainly appreciate it. A particularly effective this method at the moment when another man apply for a girl. Often it happens in nightclubs. However, in any case, if you have to stand up for the girl and for yourself.

How to fall in love with a girl with the first date

Of course, about love on the first date there can be no speech, but you can talk about a sense of strong sympathy if you follow our advice. Let's determine the behavior strategy on the first date. So, you managed to invite her on a date, this is half success, it means that you are interested in you, then everything depends on you.

  • Do not show your feelings. Do not hide your interest in her, but do not show her that you are in love, otherwise everything will go to the pump.
  • Women love emotions, and your task to give her them. We are talking about such emotions as joy, sympathy, satisfaction, gratitude, laughter, bliss, admiration, trust, safety, anticipation, tenderness. But note that many positive emotions are also bad, dilute them with neutral, for example, surprise, curiosity, amazement. Add a bit and negative emotions, but do not overdo it with them, just a little bit: shame, anger, outrage, insult, anger, fright, pity, suspicion, jealousy.
  • Do not let the girl bored on a date. Emotions will remind her about you.
  • Listen to her. Ask the leading questions, learn about its interests, favorite books, films, transmissions, music, hobbies, etc.
  • If a chance is given to invite it to the second date - assign it elsewhere.
  • Treat girlfriend respectfully. This is distinguished by a real man. But do not go on her, show and prove your point of view.
  • Be patient. You do not need to show it that you want to go faster to something more, it will only pound.

If you seriously decided to conquer the girl - go to the end, and remember, the girls love ears, but the actions are deciding a lot, be kind and open in front of it, and you will definitely work out.

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