Most guys are shy and afraid to make this step. There are cases when the guy manages to ask the girl permission. Please note that it is impossible to do this! Now you will learn what and how to do to kiss the girl for the first time.
How to kiss the girl for the first time - get rid of nerves
Before you understand when you can kiss the girl, you must learn how to restrain your emotions and nerves. Most likely you too vasratsy And just chain the girl only from one thought about the kiss. You can only help the right attitude. Do not forget, it's just a kiss! This is not an exam and not the test that you must pass on perfectly. Act confidently, do not hurry - relax. If the girl came to you on a date, then there is some kind of sympathy with you. Even if something goes not according to plan, it does not mean that everything is lost and your relationship is finished.
How to kiss the girl for the first time - Proper preparation
To the first kiss must be prepared - everything should be at the highest level. Yes, the guys are the first kiss is not as important as girls. If you do not want to prepare for yourself, then take care of the girl. Be sure to follow the freshness of your mouth, since this moment is most important. Any girl will make interest in kisses, if the guy smells a bad mouth. The first kiss is the impression of you. Before a date, try not to eat food, which can create a specific or unpleasant smell in the mouth. We are talking about garlic, onions, dumplings with vinegar, salt fish ... To protect yourself, walk on a date. Chew chewing gum or mint lollipop.
How to kiss the girl for the first time - looking for a contest for a kiss
Rapprochement will occur without unnecessary difficulties, provided that you have done everything from you depended on you (achieved mutual understanding and applied all the ways of seduction of women).
A simple trick
Get a conversation with a girl about kisses. Talk to the topic "Types of Kisses" or "How to kiss African tribes." Girls are usually underway and try to maintain a conversation. At this point, offer the companion to try this or that option and reward it with a sweet kiss.
Ice cream
This method helped a variety of guys to kiss the girl already on the first date. Ask the girl if I like ice cream. Every girl likes it, so she will ask: "Why did you ask me?". You must tell her this: Women who don't like ice cream not Feel no feelings when kissing and kissing closed mouth. After that Kiss her in French and ask about the impressions.
How to kiss the girl first time - why permission can not ask
Most women cannot immediately enter the relationship with an unfamiliar man. If you ask permission and get a positive answer, you can not go to the fortuneteller that it will answer your offer to make love. Silence, uncertain "I will think" and the lack of a categorical refusal explicit signs that she does not mind kissing, but constrains itself because of the stereotypes inspired by the society. Do not ask, but tell me "Let's try" and give the girl the best kiss in the world.
How to be if you try to kiss your attempt, she will move away and say "no"? Tell me: "Wow! You spoiled such a moment! Surely all your former wars have left you because you do not know how to kiss. " This is a risky step. The girl may no longer answer your calls, but only so you will save yourself from falling self-esteem and confusion. There is a chance that she will revise their behavior and already on the second date will agree to a kiss.
A good time depends only on you
Young people are constantly waiting for the right moment to kiss the girl for the first time. You should not be passive and sit on a date waiting for a miracle. Suitable mood should create exactly you!
Make a date romantic. Music, flowers, candles ... guy it may seem banalcine, but not one girl is not yet resisted before attention. Do you think this is a brought topic? You are mistaken, the girls are only seen on TV. Create a cozy atmosphere, do everything that depends on you. Have a good first kiss.