How to start a conversation with a girl

How to start a conversation with a girl

Even the most courageous men are sometimes difficult to start a conversation with a girl you like. Far of being rejected or put out of a funny light forces many to give up a new acquaintance. Despite the fact that the times have changed, and the beautiful floor has ceased to be weak and shy, most girls are still waiting for an initiative of dating from a man. This is a kind of ritual manifestation of the first sympathy and a decision on the continuation of communication. Our advice will help you start the first conversation easily and easily.

If the girl goes somewhere, do not block the road, do not fit too close - it causes a subconscious negative reaction as the invasion of personal space. Go with it in parallel, adding attention to the first phrase.

Politeness. It is best to start a familiarity with an elementary greeting, not forgetting to call and your name. The simplest phrase: "Good afternoon, my name is Sergey!" It will not cause irritation and rudeness from her side. If in response it just smiles - this is already a good start.

The first phrase can be absolutely disarming: "When I saw you, I forgot how to get acquainted with the girls. Maybe you advise me something? " In no case, do not ask a question with denial, for example: "Don't you want me to spend you?" 99% of the probability immediately get in response "I do not want". Do not ask a question that suggests a short answer "Yes" or "No". So you will make a conversation in a dead end.

The sense of humor saves absolutely in any situation - the female intuition will immediately tell me that she will not be bored with you. Do not think to tell the old jokes at the first acquaintance - it looks at least strange and fake. The joke should be to the place. For example: "Do not tell me what time? - 7 hours ... and in the morning or evening? . Are you sure you have a clock exactly? " (Smile and cheerful answer you are provided).

When talking, do not stand motionless - smile, gesticulating, look at the girl, and not past her. It is not necessary to show annoyance - try to take the arm, sit down too close - most likely, the second meeting will not take place with such behavior.

A good start to demonstrate interest in her hobbies and discover that you share them. For example, seeing the book in the hands of the girl, it will appropriate to ask: "What do you read? And I like the author ... (Name the work). "

If you are not strong in the literature, ask about music, movies, travel, hobbies, pets. By the reaction of the girl you will see what the topic is closest to her. So you will demonstrate the lady that you are interested in our opinion and have a chance to continue communication.

All women love compliments, but too obvious sounds pattern and tight. The expression of admiration should be sincere - do not speak a beautiful girl that she is beautiful. Tell me it's better that she has amazing eyes. You can make a subtle compliment - "You probably play a piano, you have such graceful hands."

The question of whether the girl is in a relationship is, is very important, but you should not ask him "in the forehead". Do not speak about your relationship with your former - your "experience" can push a new acquaintance. Ask what she does in his spare time, where does he like to spend it? It is possible to mention their preferences - perhaps it will be interested in a trip to bowling or a bike walking.

The first conversation is very important, so you need to be able to complete it on time. Look at the clock and with regret, let me know what are forced to rush. Offer to meet in another setting and ask the phone number of your lady. If you see that she doubts, offer her to write down your room and call when she wants. So you will show that you are not going to insist and impose, and the decision to continue acquaintance will depend on it.

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