How to get acquainted on the street with a girl

How to get acquainted on the street with a girl

Men as well as women with difficulty have a conversation with an unfamiliar man. Often a man cannot start a conversation with a girl on the street, not knowing how to do it properly, so as not to scare the representative of the fine sex. And there is nothing surprising in this, because today's world is so dangerous that the girls extremely rarely come to contact outside, preferring to get acquainted through social networks or acquaintances.

How to get acquainted on the street with a girl - to be a gentleman

Perfect education is the subject of the past, although many of us got good education and know perfectly well in what situation how to behave correctly. The golden age of aristocracy is over, although oddly enough, their preference is given to well-brought up men who know how to behave in society.

If you decide to get acquainted with the girl on the street, without any tricks, it will be best to arrange it to yourself a competent speech, restraint in manners and a lack of pressure for its part. So, for example, the girl liked you sit in the park. For a start, go to her and ask whether it is possible to sit nearby, I have to look into your eyes at the same time. After she affirmatively answer, sit next. Start an unobtrusive conversation about the weather, necessarily ending your speech. Despite the fact that the girl will be happy to come to contact, you should not immediately ask the phone number or suggest somewhere to go, usually in such cases many are lost and refuse to give their coordinates. Speak with her on those themes that you see, she willingly respond. Try to speak competently, without using the words of parasites in your conversation: "Typio", "I say", etc.

After you see that with you she feels already comfortable and the first minutes of awkwardness passed, you can already introduce yourself and if possible, ask the phone number.

Please note that if the conversation begins with phrases "You are so beautiful", "I'm crazy about you", "beautiful and without security" - the girls react irritably to it, believing that these introductory phrases are used in conversation with all girls .

How to get acquainted on the street with a girl: arrogance - the second happiness

Of course, all people are different and the reaction of some people for certain circumstances is completely different. Someone loves the communication begins quietly and slowly, and does not want to spend an extra time to Prolog.

Determine if the girl will enjoy arrogant and pressure on your part, due to its appearance. So the representative of the beautiful sex, dressed elegant, with a frowning expression of the face will not like that you so easily fall from the sky. But, but if the girl radiates a radiant smile, her glance is open, she easily communicates with other people, and the clothes indicate that she dresses comfortably and does not want to look like a fashion model, then tie a conversation with her quite easily.

Here they are suitable "clinging" phrases, selected for it individually. For example, if she has bright red hair, you can say that she is like the sun in a gloomy day, etc. If she reacts positively to it, then you can introduce and offer to go to the cafe. The main thing only, with the "clinging" phrase, not general, beaten proposals, but to emphasize its individuality in them.

How to get acquainted on the street with a girl: Pet is the best friend

With a girl, a walking pet is very easy to meet, the main thing is just a little understand the breed of dogs or the form of a pet. Of course, entering into contact, you must emphasize the merits of her pet, rather than say that "a dog size with a cat", etc. After you made a compliment to her pet, ask about what feeds it feeds him, how often leads to the vet, etc. On general phrases, the girls usually go to contact usually much easier. We are sure that manifesting interest in her little pet, she gives you a generous smile and will expect with interest what you say to her. But, and you already, do not move yourself and go to the conversation concerning it. You can immediately introduce yourself.

The main thing is not to overdo it, as in the video below!

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