How to attract the attention of the girl

How to attract the attention of the girl

The beauties surround us everywhere - on the street, in the gym, at parties, at the place of work or study. And here is the choice, now you need to attract the attention of the most. How to make it beautiful and, most importantly, effectively?

If nature did not give you chic data, it is not a reason to ignore your reflection in the mirror. The girl will rather look at the tidy guy than on the pre-gallerine. So, we need to have:

  • Clean hair and body in general. If the beard, then neat.
  • Smooth, preferably stylish clothes, well-groomed shoes.
  • Fresh smell of mouth, barely lit cable of a pleasant perfume.

Attractive is self-confidence. A young man who knows what he wants and how to achieve this, like the weak floor, because the special fluids of dedication and success radiates.

Coaching success1

Do not do without humor. You need to joke well and to the place to pay attention to you all the company, and with it - and a wonderful girl. The wit is also appropriate when you meet: choose an original phrase, which will laugh a lady of the heart, and after answering it improvise, sticking to the original style of communication. At worst, see, overheard the ideas of successful macho.

In the matter of charm, beauty will not prevent society. That is, you must communicate freely, find topics for conversation, fascinating to tell stories and jokes. This quality should be demonstrated not only in relation to the elect, but also to all others. Let her face the impression that most of the life situations are on the shoulder.

What does it want a man

We are looking for my highlight to stand out for the rest of the guys profitably. It can be an informal hairstyle, an original accessory or a model of behavior, manifest itself as a creative person. The main thing here is to choose the most positive and peculiar feature that would be your business card.

Demonstrate to her that at any time they can protect a loved one. A bold, physically strong man is a basic, subconscious need for girls, they always need it. The "demonstration performance" can be arranged with friends: in her eyes you are the most noble worthy of attention and respect.

Be interesting. A man with a rich internal content easily holds attention, he wants to listen. Read books, communicate with intellectuals, travel, strive every day to find out something new. With such luggage information surprise and captivate the girl is completely simple.

Show your welfare your interest. Ask her opinion, find out about news from life or hobbies. By this, you indirectly declare sympathy and accurately pay attention to your person.

Having become acquainted with her worldview, find something in common. Familiar, hobbies, similar situations, musical addiction and similar. On the basis of even minor coincidences, you can build an exciting dialogue and stay in the thoughts of the lady for a long time.

In addition, girls appreciate, sincerity, support. Become a true friend for it, on which you can rely. Calling trust, you can easily close with the object of dreams, it will only be left to translate the relationship to a qualitatively different level.

When you searched attention, it is important to keep it. Continue to behave naturally, but attractive. Try to please, guess her desire, and then Madame melts, like ice cream in a hot day.

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