How to apologize to the girl

How to apologize to the girl

It often happens that guys do not intentionally offend the girls, after which they suffer from conscience remorse and do not know how best to apologize. This is due to a misunderstanding of the opposite sex and differences in the psychology of a man and a woman.

Prepare for apart. Analyze the current situation. You must understand where the sources of the quarrel are located. Having done this, you will prevent the development of such scenes in the future. Sorry her and yourself, and then get ready for reconciliation. For a woman, it is very important to eradicate the cause of the quarrel and understand everything. You can simply give flowers or sing a serenade, but the real problem will remain unresolved. When you understand the reason for the situation that has happened, you can choose the right words for reconciliation and tune.

If you know exactly what is to blame, apologize, explain the reason for your behavior and promise to continue to prevent such mistakes. If there is a misunderstanding or to blame for the situation, it is necessary to talk and disassemble everything. First, just apologize to her, then calmly talk and discuss the problem. Try to enter her position, maybe it will be easier for you to understand it. Speak a girl more good - she must understand that the road is. Do not remind her about the fact of conflict and do not describe the unpleasant situation in all details. Memories of this will cause unpleasant emotions, which will prevent you in constructively talk. It is also very important to be sincere - this quality will help you melt ice and reach her heart.

For an apology, you need to choose the right moment. If you talked at elevated colors, it is not recommended to ask for forgiveness immediately after a quarrel. You have to cool and thoroughly think about everything. The girl is also better calmed down and relax. Women are more emotional, so after the hot quarrel is unlikely to be able to soberly assess the situation. But in some situations it makes sense to immediately ask for forgiveness. If your dialogue was less calm and you understood what reason, do not torment each other - immediately apologize, talk to her and quickly calm the problem. Excessive pride will bring you only anxiety and suffering. When the problem is settled, take it a fun conversation and subsequently make a pleasant surprise so that the girl realizes that the road to you and your intentions about it are really serious.

It is preferable to meet with a girlfriend alone. But if it does not come to any contact, use other ways. Write her a real letter and pass it by a courier along with a bouquet. You can also meet her somewhere, for example, when it will go from work. Surely you know her favorite places. Take flowers with you - this is a good tone gesture that an adequate girl will definitely appreciate. There is another option - talk to her friends and ask them to reconcile you. Let them pass the girl that you are very sorry about what happened and ask her for forgiveness.

If the quarrel was serious, do not require a response from it immediately. The girl can tell you that she needs to think or sort out his feelings. Give her time and respect her needs. The fact that she agreed to listen to your apologies is already saying that it is expensive to relationship with you. After an apology, realize your feelings. You will feel freedom, ease and satisfaction.

Nobody is insured against errors, but you have a chance to correct the situation. When you ask forgiveness, do it carefully, so as not to speak too much and not spoil the relationship even more. It is not easy to communicate with the girls, but the understanding of female psychology will allow you to do everything right.

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Nimi 04/03/2015 at 0:22

I need to remember how to apologize to my girl


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