In the rustling of feelings, you can talk a bunch of stupid to your beloved person, but it's not easy to apologize to him. That pride does not allow you to take the first step, then the words are not suitable, then you just do not know how to come, while it is offended and does not want to talk. Here are some tips, how best to apologize to the guy not to lose it.
Practical advice. What is the path to the heart of a man? That's right, through the stomach! So cooked his favorite dish or make a romantic dinner, followed by the situation and apologize to quietly. Just do not immediately say that it is also to blame, etc. Just apologize and forget. If your man does not take a delicious dinner, give him something, what he had long dreamed of. For example, a set of screwdrivers or subscription to the favorite football magazine.- Banners with confessions in love or a request to forgive everything are just as relevant. If you do not want the whole city to know about what they guessed, write something original. For example, "Sometimes I am just unbearable, but I love you insanely!".
- Make a photo collage from your photos with a request to forgive and confess to love. You can attract your friends to the venture and make a small slideshow from photos with funny inscriptions that they will hold in their hands.
- Give him a flower with five petals performing desires. Let him think of himself that he wanted. So forgiveness will be deserved, and you better learn his preferences and fantasies.
- If everything went so far that he no longer takes the phone and avoids meetings, then try to organize a party or a picnic with common friends. Let them invite him, not you. There will definitely have time to stay alone and talk.
But when apologizing to the guy, you decide. Sometimes it is better to do it right away, and sometimes it is better to wait a few days to give him time to realize how much the road is your relationship.