How to deliver a guy pleasure

How to deliver a guy pleasure

Many girls think about the question, how to deliver the man the maximum pleasure. There is a lot of options, how to make a loved one happy - just take the initiative in your hands!

Deliver visual enjoyment to your beloved person. As the folk female wisdom says - men love "eyes." Do not skimp on lace high-quality linen and stockings, but from classic seduction attributes - mini skirts and transparent blouses with huge neckline - it is better to refuse. Contrary to popular belief, representatives of heavy sex attracts no priority, but a certain "inaccessibility" - a flowing dress with a pair of carelessly unbuttoned upper buttons and tight jeans of "hardened" are much more than defiant-frank outfits. Remember that a well-kept appearance is a guarantee of strong and stable relationships (and sexual - including).

Want to deliver the guy unearthly pleasure? Make it erotic massageLucky Sensual touch of your hands will help the partner relax and comprehend the new faces of pleasure. Intimate massage does not accept strict adherence to any technician or rules. Trust intuition - and let everything goes from the heart. Take care of creating an appropriate atmosphere - burn aromatic candles and turn on slow romantic music. Start the massage from the feet, then go to the buttocks, the inner surface of the hips and other parts of the body. Alternate tender touch and stroking with light kisses. Whatever the culmination of an intimate massage, the lot of pleasure to your partner is provided.

Implement in your relationship bright spontaneous sex. Even if you prefer classes with love exclusively in a comfortable environment, your boyfriend will be in a wild delight, if you unexpectedly offer to have sex in an unusual place (it can be a roof of the house, Forest glade and even a taxi). Do not hide your desires and listen to the wishes of your beloved man. So that intimate games did not come, try to constantly experiment and with the poses, and with places for making love. Spontaneous sexual expression will enjoy and give new emotions and you, and your partner. Down with boring and routine sex!

Organize your beloved unexpected romantic dinner in the middle of the week. Make an emphasis on interesting light snacks, when the preparation of which can use affordable agents-aphrodisiacs - for example, shrimps, nuts or avocados. They will instantly give the strength, help restore the tone after a busy day and donate from everyday worries. Be sure to prepare for a man his favorite dish, even if it does not fit into the overall romantic concept. Do not forget about seductive outfit, quietly pleasant music and candles. After dinner, prepare for praise and stormy sex - usually for the delivered gastronomic pleasure, real men thank this way.

Arrange fun comedy party for two! Choose a few fun films, back in root, canapes and drinks. Offer a partner to accommodate not on the sofa, but, for example, on the pillows on the floor. While watching the comedy, discuss what is happening on the screen, laugh, kiss and hug. Such a relaxed atmosphere contributes to a pleasant time and further "shades".

It is no secret that the man gives the unraded to the conversations about the things interesting to him. Your task is not so much to support the conversation about the boxing duel, online games or a new tablet, how much just listen to the second half - with interest, and not with the missing view. Ask him about childhood and friends, ask plans and desires, and after helping to carry out a cherished dream! Perhaps, for complete happiness, he lacks a new collectible typewriter or corporate soccer ball.

Pleasure a beloved man sincere compliments. Guys adore pleasant words to their address, although they deny this fact. Speak your beloved about his mind and ingenuity, masculinity and sexuality. Praise and affectionate word sometimes hardened no worse than a passionate kiss! Do not forget that guys also love "ears"!

As you can see, deliver a man's pleasure is actually very easy. Dare, fantasize and do not be afraid!

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