What men love

What men love

Why do we even know what men love? At least then that they are more constant in their desires, unlike us. Therefore, knowing that they love, what they want, it would be easier for them to understand and build a good relationship.

Men love when they appreciate and praise. They are offended as children are small, when their works remain unnoticed when good actions are simply ignored. Are you easy to praise him for even a small feat in the form of a nail nail? And he, seeing that his work was appreciated, with pleasure and shelf replacing. And even more so praise if he prepared something. Maybe not so tasty it turned out like you, but you do not stand at the slab, but enjoy ready-made dinner.

Men love when they are supported. Agree, the troubles happen to them. But how well feel that near a close person who will support and understand. Do not, for example, to sink a man by reproach, if he lost his job. Perhaps his guilt in this is not, he scolds his own for what happened. Extra reproaches from you only send it to a deep depression, from which it will be very difficult to return it. It is better to subjected him once again so that he does not lose faith in herself.

Men love humor. This does not mean that you need to constantly mix it. However, he will like if you can understand his jokes and at least sometimes tell your own. Yes, and with a laugh in life more fun to go, it is easier to experience difficult situations.

Men love freedom and communication. He loves to communicate with friends, girlfriends and work colleagues, he loves sometimes go to relax without you. It does not mean that he blurted out. Just he needs to communicate outside of your relationship, and it will not hurt you too. If he is going to go with friends in the bar - gather your friends. Let him survive for whom his lady of the heart spends time. Men strictly do not like when they limit their freedom to a long list of prohibitions and regular calls for 20 times a day.

Men love their moms. Therefore, you like or not his mother, you will have to find a common language with her. It is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to bite the language in time, silenced when you have disagreements, something to give up and, most importantly, to live separately.

Men love their hobbies. It does not matter, it collects collectible cars, is fond of fishing, hunting, or stores labels from bottles - this is holy. Touch, and even more so throw it out it is categorically prohibited if you do not want to ruin the relationship forever.

Men love their car. Even those who book and wash it exclusively to a hundred, still loves once again to be in the garage, admire with their "doll".

Their hobbies and love preferences are not always clearer for us, women. Nevertheless, it is better to give way to his weakness and stay next to your beloved than trying through the power to impose your opinion.

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